A whole big bunch of wonderful

Farm sanctuaries provide an opportunity to connect with rescued animals and to experience them as individuals.

A couple weeks ago, we shared the news of two totally vegan restaurants coming to the Twin Cities. We’re happy to share even more good news with our animal-friendly community in this week’s newsletter.

First of all, The Herbivorous Butcher, America’s first vegan butcher shop, is celebrating their one-year anniversary, and they’ve just announced that they’ll be opening a farm sanctuary. Check out the website for the Herbivorous Acres and learn all about this exciting new venture.

What’s even more wonderful is that farm sanctuaries are cropping up all over the area. They give a home to rescued farmed animals and give our community an opportunity to have the transformative experience of meeting these individuals. Visit one or more of these sanctuaries and have your heart opened:

And the good news doesn’t stop there. VegNews Magazine has been giving our community all kinds of love. Check out their recent blog posts, Great Big Vegan Tour of the Twin Cities and 5 Vegan Beauty Tips from Mistress Ginger.

Wow, our community is thriving! Thank you for being part of the compassionate groundswell that will help to change this world, making it a better place for everyone.

With the animals,

Laura Matanah

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