Veg Week is our annual week-long celebration of all things veg. This year, the festivities commence on Monday, April 20. Here’s a glimpse of what Veg Week has to offer:
- Monday, April 20, 6:00 – 8:00pm: Dine Out at Pizza Luce Seward
- Wednesday, April 22, 6:00 – 800pm: Film Screening – Speciesism: The Movie
- Thursday, April 23, 7:00 – 9:00pm: Tea, Cookies, and Conversation
- Saturday, April 25, 11:00am – 1:00pm: Vegan Pancake Brunch Feed-In
- Sunday, April 26, noon – 1:00pm: Chicken Sanctuary Tour
Before that, on Thursday, April 16, we’ll host our Vegan Food Showcase at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus. That’s where we give away thousands of vegan food samples and have hundreds of people sign up to take the Veg Pledge, promising to go vegan or vegetarian for the next week. You can take the Veg Pledge, too! When you do, you’ll receive a special card that gives you discounts at various local restaurants from April 20 through May 3.
Have you seen the all the amazing endorsements that the Veg Pledge is getting? Check out this list of local public figures who are speaking up for the power of making compassionate food choices. From a state senator to a pink-haired showgirl, everyone is singing the praises of a vegan diet. Now’s the time to give it a try!
It’s not just the local celebrities who are endorsing the shift to a plant-based diet. Just a few days ago, Gene Baur, co-founder of Farm Sanctuary, was interviewed by Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. Jon Stewart himself said, “It’s harder to eat meat when you know the animal’s name…I have found.” And then, “Do you feel the tide changing? It seems like it’s changing.” It certainly is changing! This kind of mainstream media coverage goes to prove it.
We thank you for being another voice for the animals, another reason that change is happening. Join us for some of our Veg Week activities to celebrate the strides we’ve made and to help keep this momentum going.
For the animals,
Unny Nambudiripad