We’re looking for a couple more volunteers to be a part of the planning committee for the next Twin Cities Veg Fest. We need a Media Outreach Coordinator and an Advertising Coordinator. Are you interested?
Each of these positions serves as a vital part of the team that will help make this year’s festival bigger and better than ever. Visit our website to learn more about these leadership roles and let me know if you’re interested.
After last week’s Supreme Court ruling in favor of LGBTQ rights, I’ve heard a number of people comment they never thought they’d see this happen in their lifetime. We could say the same for animal liberation; what might seem impossible today could happen sooner than we think.
Each time a mainstream food manufacturer or fast food chain introduces a new vegan option, I’m reminded of this. I didn’t think we could make such big strides so soon. But the truth is, with the increasing speed of communication, we can expect change to happen more rapidly. As more people learn more about the effects of factory farming, cultural transformation is inevitable. We continue to do our work at Compassionate Action for Animals with that in mind. Thank you for persevering with us.
For the animals,
Unny Nambudiripad