Turn your compassion into action

AmyLeo bonds with Jimmy at Farm Sanctuary

Just yesterday, I was at a press conference right here in Minneapolis, where Mercy for Animals released breaking news of an undercover investigation at a farm in Oklahoma that supplies pork to Hormel Foods.

The spokesperson was none other than Cody Carlson, the same Cody that’s featured in “What Cody Saw,” a short video that we often show as part of our pay-per-view outreach program.

At the press conference, I was made aware of the how these animals suffer on a daily basis and how those atrocities are in fact “standard industry practices.” The video footage said more than words ever could.

When the reporters asked how Mercy for Animals would like people to respond to seeing the video, Cody responded that the best way we can make a difference is to leave animals off our plates.

Much of what we do at CAA is aimed at giving those in our Twin Cities area the skills to take those steps to move toward a plant-based diet happily and healthfully. However, another big part of what we do is informing our community of why they should take those steps in the first place.

We need your help to share that information, to let others know what’s happening on factory farms and how much these animals need us to take action. Please consider being a part of our outreach team.

Upcoming volunteer opportunities include leafleting at Ridder Arena and a vegan food giveaway at Kosherfest. We’d love to have you join us as we turn our compassion into action.

With the animals,

Laura Matanah

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