A new executive director has been selected!

Laura Matanah, CAA's new executive director beginning in December 2016

We’re pleased to share that our hiring committee has chosen a new executive director for Compassionate Action for Animals: Laura Matanah.

Laura has great passion for effective animal advocacy and extensive experience with nonprofit management at a leadership level. What’s more, she’s been involved with CAA for several years and has significant experience working in diverse communities.

We look forward to sharing more about Laura in the coming weeks. For now, we just wanted to tell you the big news. We’re inspired to think of all the ways that CAA will continue to thrive with Laura’s leadership.

With gratitude, we’d also like to acknowledge our hiring committee, which included six core volunteers, each of them generously offering their time to find the right person for the job.

Laura will begin working at CAA in early December and will have a one-month training period alongside Unny Nambudiripad, the current executive director, before he officially departs at the end of the year.

You just might see Laura and Unny together at Twin Cities Veg Fest this weekend—already in training! Be sure to say hello if you see them and welcome Laura to her new position…starting soon!

Best wishes,

Justin Leaf, Communications & Events Coordinator

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