After five years as the executive director for Compassionate Action for Animals, I realize that I’m ready for a change, and I’ll be stepping down from my staff position in January of 2017. I intend to stay in Minneapolis and will continue to advocate for animals. I’m not yet sure what the future holds for me, but I feel confident that this is the right next step.
I was one of the founding members of CAA in 1998, and I’m proud of how we have grown and the directions we have gone. We are truly thriving. I believe in the work we do, and I encourage you to stay involved. Donate, volunteer, come to our events, and speak out for animals. Continue helping to make CAA a vital presence in the Twin Cities for effective animal advocacy.
I know people tend to think of me as backbone of CAA, but actually CAA is not just one person. It’s an entire community of individuals who are coming together to speak out for animals in all kinds of ways. We really couldn’t be where we are without all of you, so thank you. I’m very grateful for everyone’s contributions to CAA, and, more personally, I treasure all the great friends I’ve made through this work.
If you’d like to learn more about my transition, please check out this article on our blog. Also, sometime soon, we’ll announce that we are looking for a new executive director. Stay tuned for that in case you or someone you know might be interested in applying.
In the next few months, we’ll be focused on ramping up to our big Twin Cities Veg Fest, which will be two days this year, October 29 and 30. Right now, our fundraising campaign for the festival is underway. Please make a contribution today and help us reach our fundraising goal by August 31. With your help, we can continue to make this annual festival free for everyone to attend.
For the animals,
Unny Nambudiripad