Compassionate Action for Animals is getting around this summer, and we’re super excited about it.
I’ll be heading to the East Coast next week for Taking Action for Animals in Washington, D.C., and then later in July a number of our other staff and volunteers will be heading to the West Coast for the Animal Rights National Conference. Both of these animal advocacy conferences are fantastic opportunities to work with national partners and to learn from what they’re doing for the movement.
Then, later this summer, I’ll be at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary in New York serving as a camp counselor for the Youth Empowered Action Camp, a camp designed for teens who want to learn how to help animals. I hope to return with new skills for how to do training and empowerment for our own volunteers.
Each of us from CAA who will be attending these events is on our own individual journeys with animal advocacy, and so each of us will surely get something uniquely inspiring out of these experiences. I think it’s safe to say that all of us look forward to representing CAA and the Twin Cities in the best way we can and to being inspired by how other communities across the nation are making a difference. We’ll return with the intention to enrich our own community with all we’ve learned and to continue growing our impact right here in our own backyard.
For the animals,
Unny Nambudiripad