Compassionate Action for Animals has had a fantastic year. Not only is our local community growing, but we are also seeing huge strides in the global movement to help farmed animals. You are a part of that success, and we thank you.
We believe that each person’s contribution, no matter how big or small, adds up to make a difference for animals. If you’ve done something for animals this year, whether it’s been to move toward a plant-based diet, to participate in some outreach activity such as leafleting or pay-per-view, to attend one or more of our community events, or to volunteer in any capacity to support our mission, you have surely had an impact.
Here’s another very crucial way that you can help:
Make a gift of any amount in the month of December to CAA and triple your impact for the animals. We have a goal of raising $7,500 by December 31, and, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, your contributions will be matched 2-for-1. That means we can raise an additional $15,000 to help farmed animals!
Truly, no gift is too small (or too large!). Your tax-deductible donation will help us to continue providing our community with the resources necessary to continue on the path to compassionate living. Give today! We have a vision for a nonviolent world where respect and compassion are extended to all creatures, and with your continued support we can move further toward making that vision a reality.
For the animals,
Unny Nambudiripad