With all that’s happening in the world, you can make a positive difference by supporting the causes that you believe in. We hope you believe in Compassionate Action for Animals and will support our important work for farmed animals.
And great news! The first $10,000 of donations we receive until the end of the year is automatically tripled thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor. Today is Giving Tuesday, so please give today and triple your impact for the animals.
Since 1998, we’ve been serving the Twin Cities region as a voice for the animals, helping others see how they can make more compassionate choices in their everyday lives. It’s with your support that we’re able to offer programs such as Twin Cities Veg Fest, The Vegan Chili Cook-Off, Bridges of Respect, monthly potlucks and dine outs, and various other activities that open hearts and minds.
All of these programs are there to grow our compassionate community through education, outreach, and community building. If you appreciate the work we do for the animals, we hope you’ll make a contribution of any amount to help us keep growing.
Thank you for your support. We truly couldn’t do it without you.
For the animals,
Unny Nambudiripad