Pride week is here, and Compassionate Action for Animals gets to be a part of the festivities, doing pay-per-view outreach at the festival in Loring Park this weekend. We’ll be paying people a dollar to watch a five-minute abridged version of What Cody Saw.
When CAA has a presence at these kinds of events, I can’t help but think about the connections among different social justice movements, whether it be animal advocacy or LGBTQIA rights. I realize how we are all striving to make the world a better place for everyone.
It’s been more than a week since the Orlando tragedy. At the same time, billions of animals around the globe are suffering on factory farms. In a world where such atrocities can take place, it’s important to remember our capacity for compassion and how each of us can make a difference in our everyday lives.
Thank you for the kind choices you make and for caring about the lives of all beings. And Happy Pride!
For the animals,
Unny Nambudiripad