August Events

Leafleters at the Warped Tour

The next month offers lots of opportunities to take action for animals and to have fun with our compassionate community.

Our summer leafleting events continue full throttle, and preparations for Twin Cities Veg Fest are ramping up.

With the festival just around the corner on September 9, we’re getting super excited and hope you are too. Check out these ways you can help promote the festival. Let’s get the word out!

Also, our festival fundraiser continues for just one week more. We’ve made tremendous progress so far. Thanks to all of you who have donated!

We have only about $1,000 left to raise of the $12,000 we need. (Don’t forget about our dollar for dollar match!) If you can make a donation of any amount today, that’ll help us reach our goal by August 9.

Please give today and support the growth of Twin Cities Veg Fest.

We are grateful for your support and for all the ways you help to make the world a more compassionate place with your everyday choices.

With the animals,

Laura Matanah

August Events

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Veg Resources

Upcoming Events

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Duluth Vegan Cooking Group — September

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Open Streets Broadway

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Twin Cities Veg Fest

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Vegan Recipe Club (online) — October

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Duluth Vegan Cooking Group — October