CAA Call to Action – November 29, 2016

Hi, volunteers!

Here are two big things you can help out with in the next month:

  1. Help spread the word about our year-end fundraising campaign. It officially begins on Thursday, and throughout the month of December we’ll be trying to raise $10,000 to support our work. We need your help with getting the word out. Forward emails, share Facebook posts, retweet, and most importantly talk to your friends and ask them if they can make a contribution to help farmed animals.
  2. Join us for our December Potluck and lend a hand with setup or cleanup. This potluck will be a little bigger than our usual monthly potlucks since it’s also a holiday party and a farewell party for Unny. Please come out and join in the fun and sign up to volunteer if you can.

Scroll down for more details about these and other upcoming volunteer opportunities.

We are very appreciative of all that you do for CAA. We couldn’t do half as much without your generous offerings of time, talent, and energy. To show our gratitude, we throwing a Volunteer Appreciation Party on Saturday from 6 to 9pm at Unny’s home. We’d love you to be there. Please RSVP to Unny so he knows how much food to prepare.

Best wishes,

Justin Leaf, Communications & Events Coordinator

Volunteer Opportunities

Quick & Easy Social Media Help

  • Spread the word about our year-end fundraising campaign!
    • Beginning Thursday, December 1, share posts about the campaign from our Facebook page and our Twitter account.
    • Share the blog post about the campaign on your social media.
    • Forward our Weekly Update emails promoting the campaign to your friends. (The first one will be sent on Thursday afternoon.)
    • Ask your friends and family to support CAA. Talk to them directly and make it personal. Let them know that their contributions will be matched 2-for-1, and that means we can raise an additional $20,000 to help animals.

Special Events for Volunteers

  • New Volunteer Meetup on Campus
    • Thursday, December 1, 7:00 – 8:00pm
    • Coffman Memorial Union, Room 205A
    • Are you new to volunteering for Compassionate Action for Animals? Join us, meet other volunteers, and learn about volunteer opportunities. We’ll serve light refreshments.
    • To RSVP, email Unny at
  • Volunteer Appreciation Party
    • Saturday, December 3, 6:00 – 9:00pm
    • Unny’s home, 342 E 44th Street in Minneapolis
    • Let’s celebrate our accomplishments! We’ll hang out with our fellow volunteers and remember the great times we’ve had volunteering.
    • To RSVP, email Unny at
  • Twin Cities Veg Fest 2017 Committee Orientation
    • Tuesday, December 20, 7:00 – 8:15pm
    • CAA Community Space
    • Are you interested in helping to plan the next Twin Cities Veg Fest? Attend this informational session to learn more! You don’t have to commit to joining the committee to come to this session.
    • To RSVP, email Dave Rolsky at

Upcoming Events in Need of Volunteers

  • December Potluck: Holiday Party (and Farewell Party!)

    • Tuesday, December 27, 6:00 – 8:30pm, Powderhorn Park Recreation Center
      • Setup, decorating, and greeting. Help prepare the space and welcome attendees as they arrive. 5:00 – 7:00pm
      • Cleanup. Once the potluck begins to wind down, help with cleaning up. 7:00 – 9:00pm
    • If you’d like to sign up to volunteer, email Justin at

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities

For a complete list of CAA volunteer opportunities, visit the volunteer page on our website.

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