CAA Call to Action – November 1, 2016

Laura Matanah, CAA's new executive director beginning in December 2016

Huge thanks to all of our volunteers who helped to make our 5th annual Twin Cities Veg Fest a huge success! We could not have done it without you.

If you volunteered for the festival, please take a moment fill out this short volunteer survey and let us know how it was for you. We really appreciate your feedback, as it will help us to improve the volunteer experience for future events.

Our next big event, the Vegan Thanksgiving Potluck, is coming up on Saturday, November 19. We need lots of volunteer support to make it a success. Please sign up to volunteer today!

Also, in case you haven’t heard, a new executive director for CAA has been chosen! We warmly welcome Laura Matanah into this new leadership position beginning in December. She’ll have a one-month crossover period, training for the position alongside Unny before his departure at the end of the year.

Exciting times ahead!

Best wishes,

Justin Leaf, Communications & Events Coordinator

Volunteer Opportunities

Special Events for Volunteers

  • New Volunteer Meetup – November 2016
    • Wednesday, November 16, 7:00 – 8:00pm
    • CAA Community Space, 2100 1st Avenue South
    • Are you new to volunteering for Compassionate Action for Animals? Join us, meet other volunteers, and learn about volunteer opportunities. We’ll serve light refreshments.
    • RSVP on the Facebook event page or email Unny Nambudiripad at
  • Volunteer Appreciation Party
    • Save the date! Saturday, December 3, 6:00 – 9:00pm
    • Unny’s home, 342 E 44th Street in Minneapolis
    • Let’s celebrate our wonderful accomplishments! Hang out with your fellow volunteers and remember the great times we’ve had volunteering.
    • Please RSVP via email to Unny Nambudiripad at

Upcoming Events in Need of Volunteers

For a complete list of CAA volunteer opportunities, visit the volunteer page on our website.

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Veg Resources

Upcoming Events

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Open Streets Broadway

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Twin Cities Veg Fest

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Vegan Recipe Club (online) — October

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Duluth Vegan Cooking Group — October

Thursday, October 17, 2024

VegWeek@UMN: Career Panel