Guide to Effective Postering

Next to leafleting and tabling, postering is a leading way to raise awareness on animal issues, introduce people to CAA, and promote our events, in a cost-effective manner. Once you have an appealing poster it is important to place them strategically.

General Postering Tips

  • It is best to poster with two people. One can tear pieces of tape, while the other person can carry the posters and actually put them up. Use duct tape for non-glass outdoor surfaces, and scotch or masking tape for glass surfaces and when indoors. Staplers can be used for bulletin boards or telephone polls.
  • Often times the best locations are not specifically designated for posters, such as doors, above drinking fountains, etc. These are high traffic, highly visible areas, but you run the risk of the posters being removed quickly. You may want to consider the pros and cons of placing posters in these areas. For example, many people seeing it over a short time vs. less people seeing it over a longer time.
  • Take advantage of areas, like bus stops and smoking areas, where people linger around and have time to actually read the poster. Also focus on locations people don’t have to work hard to see, usually around eye-level in places such as stairwells, street corners, hallways, inside classrooms, etc.
  • Posters indoors often stay up longer than ones placed outdoors, meaning more visibility in the long run.

Tips for Postering at the University of Minnesota

  • Postering during the day and at the start of the school week will allow the posters to be seen for at least the rest of that week. These get the maximum amount of hang time before they are removed at the end of the week by Facilities Management . Postering during the day will also increase your access to indoor areas.
  • Before going out to poster, divide up areas of campus to cover. This will guarantee that most parts of campus are hit, ensuring a maximum visibility. Areas to cover are the West Bank, East Bank, and St Paul.
  • Putting posters just outside the perimeters of campus is a good idea, like in Dinkytown and Stadium Village.
  • Make sure to poster in the 9 residence halls-especially the “Superblock.” This area is vital because of the high traffic and concentration of students. Each hall has reserved bulletin boards, but you will need to get permission from the front desk first.
  • Posters on the outside kiosk stands and bulletin boards around campus will get covered up quite quickly unless you cover them with many posters. It is still a good idea to put up a few posters, for people who may actually take the time to look through all of them.

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