Dine Outs

Rachel, Unny, and Fred at Everest on Grand

CAA regularly organizes dine outs for animal-friendly folks in the community looking to connect and enjoy great food.

We use our dine outs to showcase the variety of vegan-friendly options in the Twin Cities area.

Dinner dine outs usually happen in the evening. We try to rotate them to different days of the week so no one is excluded. Occasionally, we also have brunch dine outs on the weekend.

You don’t have to be vegetarian or vegan to come, so please bring your veg-curious friends and family. We do, however, ask that people attending our dine outs order only vegan food.

You can find out about upcoming dine outs and RSVP on the CAA Facebook page or by checking our events calendar.

Do you have suggestions for restaurants? Contact us at [email protected].

Upcoming Events