Greater Minnesota CAA Chapters

Compassionate Action for Animals is pleased that we can now offer more of our programming outside the Twin Cities area. CAA Chapters in Duluth and St. Cloud offer community and programing for those in their area who are interested in exploring veg living. Being locally based allows people to meet like-minded neighbors and pursue activities that address local needs and interests. Read below for information on each of them.

CAA’s Duluth Chapter

Duluth Chapter Vegan Cooking Group enjoy a meal together

This past year saw the addition of a chapter in the Duluth area! Prior to the pandemic, there was a large vegan recipe group that met in the Duluth area. They had a plant-based food and cooking discussion. Sheri Olson, was interested in reviving something similar but with a more specific focus of partnering with CAA. She had recently moved from the Twin Cities where she had been a CAA volunteer. She reached out to CAA Executive Director Laura Matanah and got support for starting a new chapter. 

The Chapter sponsors a Vegan Cooking Group which meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month. Shortly after its inception in fall of 2022 the group grew to be over 26 participants. They pick an ingredient each month and cook dishes with that specific ingredient. Everyone brings their recipe to share. In addition, the chapter coordinator, Sheri, provides research on the benefits, facts, and history of the ingredient and shares that with the group.

Future activities being considered for the coming year: 

  • A Vegan Dine-Out at a local restaurant
  • A Vegan Business Expo
  • They also hope to add more content onto the group Facebook page – more posting and more interaction. 

To join this group go to the Duluth CAA Chapter Facebook page. Or contact [email protected].

For more information on upcoming events go to the aforementioned Facebook page or to You can also find out more on this blog post.

CAA’s St. Cloud Chapter

St. Cloud Chapter Dine-Out at White Horse

In the Spring of 2021, Michael Willemsen and Zach Ewald had a desire to get more involved for animal rights in their St. Cloud community. They reached out to Laura Matanah (CAA’s Executive Director) and CAA was thrilled to support the start of a local Chapter there. The St. Cloud CAA Chapter was officially recognized in June of 2021 and held a vegan grilling event in a local park as their first event.

Their events the first year included a vegan potluck at Mississippi River County Park. They also passed out over 300 “Compassionate Choices” booklets from Vegan Outreach through their Adopt-A-College program that fall. The St. Cloud chapter hosting a vegan potluck at Riverside Park while tuning in virtually for CAA’s ThanksLiving celebration.

In 2022 they continued to host potluck and dine-out events to build the local community. In September of 2022 they grew to include 32 Facebook group members. Members also help support CAA events in the Twin Cities including promoting and volunteering for Twin Cities Veg Fest. They also took the lead in hosting “The Seeds of Vandana Shiva” film screening.

This group is proud of being part of an egalitarian organization that cultivates empathy for all animals. To join them go to their Facebook group or email the Chapter Coordinator, Michael Willemsen at [email protected].

For more information on upcoming events go to You can also read this blog for more history on the chapter.

Upcoming Events