Explore Veg Mentor Program

Are you thinking of stepping into plant-based eating? Or do you want to help someone reach their diet-change goals?

Sign up here!

GET A MENTOR –– we’ll pair you up with a mentor who knows a lot about the diet choices you’re contemplating and can help you reach your goal. It’s easier with someone in your corner! Whether you’re trying to go vegan, vegetarian, or simply trying to cut down on your meat consumption, we have a great mentor for you!

BE A MENTOR –– are you an experienced vegan or vegetarian willing to be in contact with your mentee twice a month, answer their questions, and attend at least one CAA event with them? Just fill out a short questionnaire and our team will look everything over. If you’re selected, get ready for the incredible journey into compassion that we like to call Explore Veg!


What geographic area does the program cover?

This program covers the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area and greater Minnesota. If you live outside this area, please sign up for the mentor program run by Vegan Outreach.

What kinds of things to mentor/mentee pairs do together?

We encourage you to share recipes, eat together, go grocery shopping together, and share blogs, videos, or books with each other. (Check out our resources page for suggestions.) The two of you will decide what activities suit you best. We ask that pairs be in touch at least every two weeks and that pairs in the Twin Cities metro area participate in at least one CAA event (such as a potluck, dine-out, or another event) during their match.

How long do mentor/mentee matches last?

Each match lasts for three months. After this time mentees will graduate from the program, and mentors may be offered another match if they choose.

How are matches made?

The volunteers and staff who run the program make matches based on mentee goals, geography, and, when possible, other preferences expressed by mentees or mentors.

What does the program cost?

The program costs the organization about $8,000 a year to run, but is provided free of charge as part of CAA’s commitment to building plant-based community and creating change for animals. Donations to support the program as part of our general operating budget are welcome.


Mentee FAQ

Can I get health advice from my mentor?

Only in the sense of general good nutrition. If you need advice about how to go veg while dealing with a specific health condition, visit this website and click on “Find an RD.” (Registered Dietitian)

Do I have to go vegan to be part of the program?

No. You decide your goal: to become vegan, vegetarian, or reduce your consumption of meat and/or dairy. Your mentor will help you reach your goal.

Once the program is over, can I still get support?

Yes! You’ll get support via our emails and can attend CAA events to stay connected to our growing plant-based community.


Mentor FAQ

Can I choose to only mentor those who want to be vegan?

Yes, you decide what kinds of mentee goals you’d like to support.

What if I hate to cook?

That’s ok, we’ll match you with a mentee who feels the same way.

What do I need to know about nutrition?

We ask that you follow these nutritional guidelines from Ginny Messina, RD. Please don’t offer specific health advice. Instead, if needed, refer your mentee to a dietitian from the Vegetarian Dietitian Practice group.

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