Vegan Recipe Club (online) for May: Living Lively by Haile Thomas

Tuesday, May 21, 2024
6:30pm - 7:30pm

The cookbook for the month is Living Lively(2020) by Haile Thomas

Download recipes here.

If you are curious about vegan cooking, this club is for you! Each month participants make three recipes from popular cookbooks then share their reflections with the group. Novice to expert cooks are welcome, as are interested non-cooks. Registration not required.

What is the focus of this cookbook?

The publisher describes the book as:

“By a superstar nineteen-year-old activist and motivational speaker, a unique cookbook and inspiring guide that combines 80 delicious, wholesome, super-powered plant-based recipes with a “7 points of power” manifesto to inspire the next generation of leaders toward self-reflection, critical thinking, and unlearning toxic ideas....

Haile believes that to productively work toward our best selves, we must first fuel the vessel that supports us—our bodies. By incorporating healthy, plant-based dishes into our daily routine, we can boost qualities such as confidence, happiness, and positivity, giving us the energy we need to change our lives and the world….

Haile’s delicious, nutrition-packed vegan recipes boost brain power, calm the body, and provide energy….

These tools are specifically targeted at positive resistance, growth, and joy in what Haile calls the “7 Points of Power”—wellness, world perspective, media and societal influences, thoughts and spirituality, education, relationships, and creativity and giving. Beautiful and uplifting, Living Lively empowers us to take strong, positive steps to nourish ourselves, each other, our communities, and the planet.”

What recipes will we cover this month?

In the recipe club this month we will discuss these recipes:

Gluten-Free Chai-Coconut Banana Bread – pg 241

Sweet Pea and Corn Risotto – pg 203

Nutty Sunflower Spring Roll Bowl – pg 193


Chai-Coconut Banana Bread French Toast Sticks – pg 141

Jamaican Jerk Banh-Mi Pizza – pg 231

Jamaican Jerkish Sauce – pg 239

Cashew “Cheesecake” Squares – pg 256 – 257

Facilitated by Henry Patterson of Compassionate Action for Animals.

How do I log on to the discussion?

Join Zoom Meeting, with passcode 467109

Or use the dial-in information: Meeting ID: 815 7424 7392 Passcode: 467109 Dial by your location:   +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)    +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)   +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)    +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Vegan Recipe Club General Details

The Vegan Recipe Club is for everyone—those curious about vegan cooking and those more experienced with it. The club explores plant-based recipes created by cooks of varying cultures and nationalities and cookbooks are suitable for the novice to experienced cook.

This club aims to feature recipes that are great tasting and support the health of participants. It’s a chance to build community with others interested in vegan cooking. Best of all, these meals also help the animals and the environment!

How does it work?

In the month prior to the Vegan Recipe Club Meeting, you can download the recipes for free from the bottom of this page.

Try making one or more of the recipes then come to share and discuss what you thought about them with the group.

The group is facilitated by volunteer Henry Patterson of Compassionate Action for Animals (CAA).

If you have questions about the recipes or the Vegan Recipe Club between meetings, email

When does the club meet?

The club meets monthly on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm. Meetings are held via Zoom and occasionally in person; see details below.

Can I access previous recipes?

View additional information and previous recipes here. 

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