Veg Week: Tea, Cookies, and Conversation

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Thursday, April 23, 2015
7:00pm - 9:00pm

CAA Community Space

Join us for another round of Tea, Cookies, and Conversation. These gatherings are an opportunity to have fun, informative, and focused discussions about topics that are important to vegans, vegetarians, and others who are involved in the animal protection movement. This time around, we’ll be having a Q & A for those moving towards a plant-based diet.

The questions asked could cover a wide range of topics, from plant-based nutrition to animal rights philosophy to everyday social interactions. You could ask about strategy for animal advocacy or about what to have for breakfast. As long as it’s related to the subject of moving towards a plant-based diet, you can ask it!

We welcome everyone along the spectrum of moving towards a plant-based diet. Whether you’re just curious, new to the path or a longtime vegan, everyone can pose questions or supply answers from their own perspective. We intend for this to be more of a group discussion than a lecture.

This event is part of Veg Week and will be a forum to provide support for those taking our Veg Pledge. Thinking about moving towards a plant-based diet? You can take the Veg Pledge, too!

The conversation will be moderated by Justin Leaf, Communications and Events Coordinator for CAA. Please RSVP on the Facebook event page or email Justin at [email protected]. Herbal tea and vegan cookies will be provided. If you’d like to bake a batch of vegan cookies for the event, let us know.


Upcoming Events

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