Sunday, September 25, 2016
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Jennifer Swick’s home

Licensed under CC BY 2.0
Join us at the home of Jennifer Swick in Roseville for our September potluck. We invite you to bring a vegan dish to share and encourage you to choose your main ingredients from the glorious bounty of the summer harvest.
Looking for some locally grown ingredients? Try visiting one of the local farmer’s markets or one the many co-ops in the area. Or maybe pull something out of your own garden if you have one. Don’t feel limited to using only locally grown food, but do explore the possibilities!
To make sure that we have a spectrum of food at the event, please bring a dish according to this fun guideline:
- If your last name begins with A through H, please bring a main dish.
- If your last name begins with I through P, please bring side dish.
- If your last name begins with Q through Z, please bring a dessert.
RSVP on the Facebook event page or email Justin at [email protected]. If you’d like to lend a hand with setup or cleanup, let Justin know.
Also, we’ll be organizing a carpool from the CAA Community Space at 2100 1st Avenue South in Minneapolis. You can also contact Justin if you’d like to participate in the carpool, either offering to drive or needing a ride.