People of Faith Dinner with Vegan Israeli Rabbi

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Monday, April 24, 2023
5:00pm - 8:30pm

University of Minnesota Hillel

Photo of Rabbi Gersh
Rabbi Gersh

Join us for an animal-friendly dinner, discussions, and presentation about the connections between faith traditions and veganism!

We’ll enjoy a delicious plant-based Beach Bowl dinner from SEED Café, with small discussion groups during the meal. Buy your dinner ticket here. After the meal, Rabbi Gersh will be presenting a free talk: “Judaism and Veganism: Do They Intersect?” The talk will be followed by dessert and mingling. Want to attend just the free talk with dessert? Register here. Pre-registration is required.

Known as “The Vegan Rabbi”, Rabbi Gersh has been teaching in the Jewish and Israeli Education fields for over 20 years. He shares thousands of years of Jewish teachings that promote compassion for animals and vegan lifestyles. Join us to learn together as he explores the intersection of Judaism and Veganism through the lens of Jewish texts and teachings that promote compassion for animals.


5-6:30pm: Dinner & Discussion Groups

6:30-7:30p: Program: Judaism and Veganism: Do They Intersect? by Rabbi Gersh

7:30-8:30p: Vegan desserts and refreshments

Rabbi Gersh will be here as part of a national speaking tour organized by Jewish Veg and its Twin Cities Pod. This event was made possible by our sponsor, Spring Farm Sanctuary and is co-hosted by the Minnesota JCCsTemple Israel, and Compassionate Action for Animals.

Getting there: There are bike racks on site and Hillel is accessible by Metro Transit. If you drive the 4th street parking ramp is the best, closest, parking (1 block away). 1625 4th St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455.

This event is part of the Twin Cities Veg Week series of events from April 16-23. Sign up now to try one week of veg eating and get 15% off at local businesses!

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