March Potluck: Fuel for Action and Inspiration

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Saturday, March 5, 2016
1:00pm - 3:00pm

CAA Community Space

Vegan food @ De Plak, Nijmegen © Suzette -
Licensed under CC BY 2.0

Join us for a vegan potluck and find yourself fueled to take action for animals. You’ll be fueled not only by an assortment of nourishing plant-based cuisine but also by the inspiration of the company you’ll keep. Thomas Goodman of Vegan Outreach will be there and will give a short talk about his experience in animal advocacy. (You’re also welcome to leaflet with Thomas on the following Tuesday, March 8.)

Please bring a vegan dish to share. The sky’s the limit. Savory or sweet, main dish or dessert. Salad or side, snack or soup. Homemade or store-bought, raw or cooked. Options abound!

We hope you join us for this afternoon of awesome food and absolute motivation.

RSVP on the Facebook event page or email Justin Leaf at [email protected].

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