Monday, March 11, 2024
6:30pm - 7:00pm
Recent public opinion surveys, state laws, and corporate commitments make it clear that people in Minnesota and the U.S. are against the use of gestation crates . You can help change take place here in Minnesota by calling your state Representatives!
On many farms, mother pigs are currently kept in gestation crates for their four-month pregnancies. The crates are roughly the size of their bodies. That is so small that they cannot walk, turn around, avoid aggression from neighboring sows, or get away from their own waste.
A current bill in Minnesota would take grant funds currently used for expanding factory farms, and allow these funds to be used to transition farms from gestation crates to less-cramped group housing for mother pigs. We want to let our representatives know that we are in support of this bill.
Looking for more information and a laid-back group to call your representatives alongside? This event is for you!
Join the Zoom call here. Here’s what we’ll be up to:
- 6:30-6:45: Call Preparation. Get information and support on how to call your representative and what to say.
- 6:45-7:00: Live Call-In Session. We’ll all mute ourselves and call our representatives. The chat will be open for any questions.
- 7:00-7:30: Optional: Get Involved. Discussion, Q&A, and more information on how to get involved.