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The Humane League is Joining

The Humane League, a group whose mission is to save the lives of as many animals as possible and to reduce as much animal cruelty as possible, is joining to help bring more compassionate dining information your way.

Compassionate Action for Animals is happy to announce that The Humane League is joining as a partner.

The Humane League was founded by Nick Cooney in 2005 and he still plays an integral part in the organization's efforts towards reducing animal suffering. Nick was a speaker at CAA's Their Lives, Our Voices conference in 2010 and wrote the book Change of Heart, an important piece of advocacy literature.

We are thrilled to be working with The Humane League on We will work with them to continue bringing you information on compassionate dining options no matter where you live, work, or travel.

Help Bring Vegan Comfort Food to Minneapolis!

Volunteers are currently working to help bring a vegan comfort food restaurant to Minneapolis and if you'd like to help be a part of the efforts we have information for you!

Are you interested in volunteering to help bring a 100% vegan "comfort food" restaurant to Minneapolis? Would you like to be part of the co-creation process and help find the location, set the menu, and write the business plan? Talking to folks in the local vegan community, there is always a lot of interest in having a comfort food vegan restaurant, so let's harness all that energy and make it happen!

Michael Maddox is currently working with a core group of 5-6 people working to bring a comfort food vegan restaurant to Minneapolis. They are still early in the process, recruiting volunteers, writing the business plan, and coming up with potential names for the restaurant. Meetings are held every other Sunday evening from 6:30-8pm and their next meeting is 12/09. You don't need any particular skills to help.

To find out more, check out their blog. You can also sign up for their mailing list for notifications about events related to the co-creation of the restaurant.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Michael at [email protected]!

Holiday Fundraising Drive

2012 was a banner year for Compassionate Action for Animals in many ways, including a successful first ever Twin Cities Veg Fest. Can you make a donation to help us have an even better Veg Fest in 2013?

Thank you for making 2012 a very successful year! Compassionate Action for Animals held our first ever Twin Cities Veg Fest, a ground-breaking event where attendees sampled tasty vegan food, learned about ethics and nutrition, and, most importantly, saw that there is a large, positive movement that cares about animals. I want to continue that success in 2013. Can you make a contribution of $100, $50, or $10 to help make this happen? Thanks to a generous anonymous donor, your donation will be matched dollar-to-dollar for up to $15,000.

We're planning our second Twin Cities Veg Fest, and we want to make it even more effective. Our plan is to significantly increase the targeted participation and visibility of Veg Fest 2013. To make this happen we need help from people like you – people who care about animals, and want to make a difference.

You can make your tax deductible donation online. Thank you so much for your continued support!

Vegan Thanksgiving Potluck Recipes

Compassionate Action for Animals celebrated Thanksgiving this year with the Vegan Thanksgiving Potluck, held on Saturday, November 17th. About 150 people attended the event and were well-fed with delicious vegan food.

Along with Tofurky roast and gravy donations from Turtle Island Foods, people brought dishes to share and some of the recipes are listed below. We are thankful for the company of the people who attended the event, the food they shared, and the impact they have on advocating for animals.

This community-building event brought together people interested in reducing animal suffering from all walks of life, and was a great opportunity to meet others with similar values and ideals. Although it was not a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, the potluck helped to create new social norms and give people a place to find support in their beliefs and actions helping animals.

The potluck was held in memory of Lauren Hanson, an avid CAA volunteer who passed away in September. CAA Executive Director Unny Nambudiripad gave a short speech about her contributions to animal advocacy and about our loss. We remember her as we celebrate this holiday season.

Thank you to Turtle Island Foods for the generous donation of Tofurky roasts and gravy, to the volunteers who planned and executed the event, and to the generous donors who support our work.

Please answer our three question survey to let us know what you thought of the potluck!

Here are the recipes from the potluck:

Unny N. and John C.

Butternut squash bisque

Adrianne P.

Sweet Apple Crisp

David S.

Wild Rice

Mike C.

Wild Rice Salad With Curry Mustard Vinaigrette

Kathy D.

Black Bean and Corn Salsa

Cassandra H.

Cranberry Salsa

Freeman W.

Peanut Butter No Bake Cookies

Allison L.

Quinoa Salad

Adam W. and Sam K.

Fudgy Fudge

Karin A.

Rice Crispy Treats

Kristine V.

Spring Rolls

Michelle R.

Three Green Gratin

Submit Your Recipe for the Vegan Thanksgiving Potluck

We're hosting our 10th annual Vegan Thanksgiving Potluck on Saturday, November 17th at noon. Please let us know the recipe that you'll be bringing, and we'll share it with everybody

This potluck will be held at Matthews Park Recreation Center in Minneapolis. Please submit your recipe so we can share it with attendees and subscribers to our email list.

This event is open to all Compassionate Action for Animals supporters, donors, volunteers, family, friends, and people interested in getting involved! This is a vegan event, so please do not bring any food items with animal ingredients (i.e., no meat, dairy, eggs, butter or cheese). We are aiming for a combination of appetizers, fruit/veggie salads, side dishes, main courses, desserts, and non-alcoholic beverages.

In consideration for those with allergies and sensitivities, please bring an ingredient list to place next to your dish on the serving table.

We are requesting that people bring their own plates and utensils to reduce waste. We're trying to make this event as green as possible and we will be composting at this event.

Please invite your friends on Facebook and Meetup, and let us know what you plan on bringing when you RSVP on those sites. We also need volunteers!

This year's potluck will be held in memory of Lauren Hanson, who passed away in September. She was a passionate animal advocate, and had volunteered with Compassionate Action for Animals for the last four years. The Thanksgiving Potluck was a favorite event of hers.

We all hope to see you there!

Map of the event location.

Good Science on Vegan Nutrition

Following a plant-based diet is an important tool for reducing animal suffering. But what about human health? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a vegan diet? Unfortunately, there's a lot of bad science out there about nutrition in general and vegan nutrition in specific.

One of our core values at Compassionate Action for Animals is integrity. We want to present the most accurate information available on vegan diets. We need to look at all of the science on the topic, not just those studies that say what we want to hear. By presenting the full picture about veganism we can demonstrate our trustworthiness on this topic and others. When animal advocates are not credible on one topic, people will start to doubt everything they say. After all, if we weren't forthright about nutrition, maybe we're shading the truth about what goes on in factory farms.

With that all said, what do we look for when evaluating information on nutrition? Realistically, very few of us will ever get an advanced degree in biology or dietetics, and even fewer of us will go on to conduct research on vegan diets. We have to rely on experts to do that for us. But lots of people claim to be experts! Who can we trust?

We look for experts who evaluate all of the scientific information on the topic. They don't cherry pick just the studies that support a plant-based diet, they don't exaggerate health claims for plant-based diets, and they don't shy away from the potential problems that come with this diet. A trustworthy expert is never afraid to change their mind in the face of compelling new evidence, and they're willing to call out bad science, even when it comes from within the animal advocacy movement.

Two of our favorite writers working in this area are Jack Norris of Vegan Outreach and Ginny Messina. Both Jack and Ginny take the scientific process seriously and are interested in providing the best facts available about vegan diets.

Together they co-wrote the best contemporary book on vegan nutrition, Vegan for Life. If you're interested in becoming and staying healthy on a plant-based diet, this is a must-read book. We also recommend their blogs, and They regularly look at the latest scientific developments in vegan nutrition, answer questions from readers, and provide good recommendations on staying healthy. We also recommend, a site Jack Norris maintains. It contains a wealth of articles on a variety of topics related to vegan health.

Because we care about animals, we also need to care for ourselves. When we are living examples of how to be a healthy vegan, our appeals to others for diet change are more effective. We will be much more effective animal advocates when we are prepared to answer basic nutrition questions. The more we know about all of the issues related animals and plant-based diets, the more effective we are as animal advocates.

A Little Vegan Humility

It's tempting to think that living a vegan lifestyle is the ultimate moral choice we can make on behalf of animals. Once we're vegan, we're done. We've done everything that we need to do in order to be good people.

From the high (mock?) horse we're riding on, it can be easy to look down at others. They're just eating less meat, or they're only vegetarian. Clearly they're not as morally refined as us wonderful vegans.

This sort of attitude is quite problematic. If we come across as self-congratulatory and arrogant, it makes it easier for others to dismiss us. How many times have you heard someone complain that they can't stand those "obnoxious vegans"? We've heard that many times at Compassionate Action for Animals, despite our best attempts to fight that stereotype through our words and actions.

But isn't veganism the end-all be-all? Shouldn't we be praised for our excellent ethical decisions?

At Compassionate Action for Animals, we want to praise everyone who has made an effort to help animals. Every time someone chooses to eat fewer animal products, this reduces the amount of animal suffering in the world. We want to support people who care about animals, regardless of what stage they're at on their journey to a fully plant-based diet and lifestyle.

It's important to remember that our goal is to help animals, not to be vegan. If twenty people cut their animal production consumption in half, that's better for animals than one person going vegan. If one vegetarian becomes an activist who spends ten hours a week educating others about factory farming, that does far more for animals than one vegan who does no activism at all.

We also must remind ourselves that veganism is not the best possible world for animals. Plant foods that come to us from industrial farms still come with suffering. Farming equipment like tractors kills animals, especially ground-dwelling animals like mice and rabbits. Transportation of food kills animals and damages the environment.

We could reduce suffering even further if we all did things like grow our own food (without machinery), dumpster dive, and eat road kill. Maybe the dumpster diver with a back yard garden should be looking down at those of us who are vegans.

It's really not possible to live in modern society without contributing to at least some suffering. The best we can do is look for ways to reduce our contribution. We all must find a place where we are comfortable with our choices.

At Compassionate Action for Animals, we advocate for people to move towards a plant-based diet because we think that veganism greatly reduces suffering and is practical for everyone. We advocate veganism with the open recognition that there is always more that can be done to reduce suffering, and we hope that this recognition keeps us humble in our work. When we acknowledge that there is no suffering-free choice, it makes us more approachable and more effective as advocates for animals.

Matching Donation Opportunity

CAA has received a generous offer from an anonymous donor to contribute $15,000 if we can to match this amount. We are asking you, as donors and volunteers, to help us reach this goal. How can you help? 1. Donate, 2. Refer, 3. Ask, or 4. Share

  1. Donate: If you are able to, please make a donation. Your donation will be matched, dollar for dollar.
  2. Refer: Please provide names & contact info of your friends and family members who may be interested in donating to our cause. We promise to only contact these new people once unless they become donors. By simply referring us to new potential donors, we receive $50! If the person you refer us to donates $15 or more, we receive a $100 match! Fill out the form right now!
  3. If you prefer not to provide CAA with another's contact info, we will just ask that you send an email on our behalf (we will provide the template for you). Please email [email protected] if you are interested in participating in this way.
  4. Raise awareness about animal cruelty by encouraging people to watch Mercy for Animals' powerful documentary, Farm to Fridge. This documentary shows the brutal realities of modern animal agriculture. You can get us free advertising by 'liking' the video and sharing it with your friends.

This past summer we hosted the first ever Twin Cities Veg Fest. This fantastic event attracted over 1,200 attendees from around the Twin Cities and beyond. Attendees sampled delicious vegan food, heard from inspiring speakers, and learned more about how they can help animals by moving toward a plant-based diet. We received extremely positive feedback from attendees and exhibitors. We're already starting to plan the 2013 event, and we're looking forward to making it even more effective.

This is just one of many exciting activities that your donations help make possible. Help us expand our donor base so we can do even more for animals in 2013. is Teaming Up with Compassion Over Killing!

Exciting news: Compassion Over Killing is teaming up with our site to help provide you with even more vegan resources for dining out.

We are always looking to expand our website in order to provide you with the most up-to-date and complete resource for veg-friendly dining options. We are excited to announce that Compassion Over Killing is joining us as our newest VegGuide partner.

On VegGuide, you can rate restaurants, share your reviews with others, and add new listings for all the great places you've discovered. If you haven't done so already, you can sign up for a account to start contributing now!

Compassion Over Killing is a non-profit animal animal advocacy organization that is based out of Washington D.C. CAA has worked with COK on numerous national animal advocacy issues, most recently the We Love Subway campaign which asks the Subway sandwich chain to add more vegan options to its menu, including faux meat options.

COK's executive director Erica Meier was a featured speaker at our inaugural Twin Cities Veg Fest in 2012 and continues to be a big part of our CAA community. We welcome COK as a VegGuide partner, and look forward to their help in spreading the word about VegGuide even further.

Beyond Meat Now Available in the Twin Cities!

Beyond Meat, the newest plant-based meat substitute is now available in Twin Cities Whole Foods markets!

Beyond Meat is a new plant-based meat substitute that is taking vegetarians and omnivores everywhere by surprise! Beyond Meat is at the cutting edge of plant protein research and development, with the goal of replacing animal protein with cruelty-free alternative.

They currently produce one product – Chicken-Free Strips – that can be found in the delis and hot bars of select Twin Cities Whole Foods stores. The product can be found at the Lake Calhoun store in the salad bar and at the St. Paul location in a deli case salad and some of their hot bar dishes. If Whole Foods sees strong customer demand for this product, they will likely incorporate it into more of their prepared food offerings, for example as a pizza topping!

If you want to learn more about Beyond Meat and their product and mission, check out this their Slate article about them that was published last summer.

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