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Undercover Investigations

I’m trying out a new format for this Weekly Update. Let me know what you think!

I hope to see you at our free Holiday Cooking Class this Saturday at 4 pm. It’s a great opportunity to prepare for the holidays by learning recipes you can make for your friends.

Here’s two recent undercover investigations from our friends at Compassion Over Killing. As a result of one of the investigations, they charged farm workers with a crime — and then they charged the investigator as well! The other investigation was right here in Minnesota.

For the animals,

Unny Nambudiripad
Executive Director

Help Animals During the Holiday Season

Can you make a donation to Compassionate Action to Animals?

As the holidays get closer and we draw our family and friends near we are reminded that most animals are not as fortunate. On today's factory farms animals often spend their lives alone in bare cages after being separated from their families. At Compassionate Action for Animals (CAA) we recognize their hardships and want to help make the world a more compassionate place by encouraging people to embrace their empathy. Could you please help us help animals by donating $10, $25, or $50 today?

We recently hosted our biggest event to date, the 2013 Twin Cities Veg Fest. This free festival showcased nearly 50 exhibitors and food vendors for over 2,000 attendees. Vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores alike were able to indulge in free vegan food samples, enjoy a concert, get body art, and learn about the motivations and virtues of veganism from nationally renowned speakers like Nathan Runkle, founder of Mercy for Animals. Twin Cities Veg Fest also featured local speakers from Minnesota Voters for Animal Protection, Move2Veg Nutrition Counseling, and Compassionate Action for Animals. At CAA's Paid Per View we paid people $1 to watch video footage depicting the suffering that animals endure on the modern farm. We're looking forward to next year already and so are the attendees. Here are a few survey responses:

"We never realized that vegan food could be so delicious."

"Awesome event! Very nice people!"

"I thought that it was SUPER inspiring and exciting to see so many people at a veg event in MN!"

"Being away from the veg-scene while continuing to eat vegetarian, you stop thinking about why you're doing what you're doing as much, so it was re-invigorating being 'in the culture' again. It's motivated me to transition to a vegan diet, too."

Exhibitors have also told us how happy they were with the event. Our exhibitors offered samples of delicacies such as vegan honey, gourmet nut milk cheeses, and marshmallows made without the gelatin. Other exhibitors came to share information about animals, sell products, and show off their arts and crafts.

The food vendors were nearly sold out by the end of the day and after trying some of the dishes it was easy to see why. With more than 20 options, attendees had a lot of choices. Asase Yaa served Tofu Khebab Masala and power smoothies. Seward Cafe offered a wide variety of vegan baked goods. Flamingo Restaurant provided delicious Ethiopian lentil and vegetable dishes in generous portions. For a unique dessert Kitty Corner Caf

Vegan Eats World Book Review

A comprehensive review of Terry Hope Romero's latest cookbook, Vegan Eats World, by Michelle Rosier. "Never mistake a rejection of eating animals as a rejection of eating really good-tasting foods. [Vegan Eats World] is about just that, we can have it all." – Terry Hope Romero

Rice develops a golden crust in a cast iron pan next to a fired up griddle laden with sweet soy-marinated slices of homemade chinese five spice seitan. I can't believe I'm making my favorite Korean dish in my own kitchen and vegan. Sitting around the table with friends we devour the sizzling rice piled high with seasoned spinach, sesame bean sprouts, grilled seitan and a Korean chili paste. Between bites, we remark how the restaurant-worthy food entices even the most reluctant omnivore at the table. Best-selling vegan cookbook author Terry Hope Romero didn't lie – we can have it all and Vegan Eats World shows you how.

In Vegan Eats World, the food philosophy Romero is known for shines: it's the plants not the animals that transport our senses when it comes to food. For her, the true building blocks of cuisines around the planet are the spices, herbs and grains. The recipes open with a section on spice blends, herb and spice-rich proteins and pickles before launching into your standard salads, soups, entrees, and desserts. Chapter 7 on dumplings, breads and pancakes could keep you busy and happy for days with steamed buns, momos and griddle breads.

Vegan Eats World does an admirable job of making new dishes, ingredients and techniques accessible. Romero is informative, but enjoyable to read as she demystifies new ingredients like za'atar and pandan leaves which she organizes in "Kitchen Cartography" by ethnic region. When she inspires you to buy a wok, don't worry she'll walk you through how to season it to last. Diagrams illustrate some of the more complex tips, like how to fold a dumpling. All the recipes come with a key that includes flags for budget, time, soy-free, gluten-free, and good for new cooks. I made crepes for the first time because Romero's recipe was simple and her step-by-step instructions convinced me I could make them on cast iron without a crepe maker.

Romero recognizes the dishes in Vegan Eats World are more an homage than authentic with their roots in her diverse Queens, Brooklyn neighborhood. If there is one thing I would caution, it's that some of the ingredients may be hard to find in less diverse shopping areas (there's always the internet or a road trip!) and some of the dishes can be quite time-consuming (all the more reason to celebrate the finished product with loved ones.)

In all, the recipes in Vegan Eats World inspired me to not only cook, but to have people over and break bread together. It also encouraged me to explore the small ethnic groceries in my neighborhood for hidden treasures like gochuchang (Korean chili paste.) This is a great cookbook for the adventuresome or for the foodie who can't get enough of trying a new cuisine and wants to try to capture some of that magic at home.

For more photos of recipes made from this cookbook, please visit Accidentally Meatless.

Vegan Eats World: 300 International Recipes for Savoring the Planet by Terry Hope Romero

Report on the Second Twin Cities Veg Fest

Thanks for making the second annual Twin Cities Veg Fest a tremendous success! The 2013 incarnation built on last year's inaugural event to share knowledge of where our food comes from, how to be a healthy vegetarian or vegan, and why being compassionate benefits everyone. Here's a rundown of the highlights.

Chicago Vegan Foods

About 2000 people attended the festival this year, a two-thirds increase from last year. A steady stream (more like a torrent) filled the Great Hall in the University of Minnesota's Coffman Memorial Union throughout the morning and kept flowing the rest of the day.

Early attendees were treated to swag bags loaded with goodies and coupons from Alternative Baking Company, Way Better Snacks, Tofurky, and many more!

Vegan T-shirts

Inside the exhibitor hall, attendees had an overwhelming array of tasty vegan snacks to sample and dishes to scarf down, thanks to our wonderful food vendors. Samples included sausage from Field Roast, seitan from the folks at Upton's Naturals, marshmallows and cheese from Chicago Vegan Foods, and tortilla chips from Way Better Snacks. Oh yeah, we also had nut cheese from Punk Rawk Labs, Bee Free Honee, caramel confections from Comfort Candy, chocolate from Theo Chocolate, bulk snacks from Mississippi Market, Tofurky sausage, chocolate soy milk, Peace Coffee, and So Delicious ice cream sandwiches. That's a lot. It was all awesome.

Kitty Corner Cafe vegan waffles

For the hungriest among us, four vendors offered up delicious food by the plateful. Asase Yaa had a dazzling variety of world cuisine, Kitty Corner Cafe loaded Turkish waffles with dark chocolate and fruit, Flamingo impressed with their Ethiopian dishes, and Seward Cafe served up their delicious vegan and gluten-free baked goods. There was much rejoicing.

EG dancing

Indeed, many who had never thought too seriously about vegan food expressed delight at the diversity and tastiness of all the samples. Many vegetarians and omnivores alike expressed a commitment to reduce or remove animal products from their diets. Yay!

And yes, there were exhibitors who didn't serve food. Move2Veg advised attendees on plant-based nutrition, while Ethique Nouveau and Happy Animals sold a variety of animal-friendly goods. Heartland Farm Sanctuary, Minnesota Voters for Animal Protection, Chicken Run Rescue, and others showed Twin Cities Veg Festers how their actions can make a huge difference in the lives and well-being of animals. There's too many to list, so please check out the rest of our great exhibitors.

Upstairs, we had presentations from five compelling speakers. Christine Coughlin, founder and President of Minnesota Voters for Animal Protection, spoke about the importance of political action to protect animals. Suzy Sorensen, owner of Move2Veg, provided introductory information on healthfully transitioning to a plant-based diet. Nathan Runkle, founder and Executive Director of Mercy for Animals, provided a glimpse into the hidden lives of farmed animals and the destructive impact of industrial animal agriculture. Nick Cooney of Farm Sanctuary highlighted ways we can be more effective advocates for animals. Our day of speakers concluded in the afternoon with a talk by Jeff Johnson, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at St. Catherine University, on the ethical arguments that inform our treatment of animals. The talks sparked useful conversations among attendees and piqued the interest of those unfamiliar with a more compassionate lifestyle.

We also held a concert in the Whole in the Coffman basement. In Defence, Alison Scott, Sean Anonymous, and Sleepyhead entertained Festers looking to groove.

Nearly all who attended, regardless of their current dietary choices, expressed overwhelming enthusiasm about the festival. We're happy to provide an environment where a diverse crowd can try new food, gain new information and perspectives, and learn about leading a more compassionate life. The second Twin Cities Veg Fest was better than we hoped and we're incredibly excited about making the event bigger and better next year!

We'll see you there!

Twin Cities Veg Fest 2013 Sponsors

Thanks to all of our sponsors for supporting our second Twin Cities Veg Fest! Please consider patronizing these generous organizations.


Kenny Feldman In Memory of Kenny A. Feldman

Carole and Stan Feldman are sponsoring the Twin Cities Veg Fest in memory of their late son, Kenny A. Feldman. Kenny was passionate about music and about animals. He enjoyed a variety of music and sought out new and innovative sounds. He loved spending time with his companion animals and believed in a better world for all animals.

Read CAA Executive Director Unny Nambudirpad's blog post about Kenny.

Yelp Logo Yelp

Yelp is a website and mobile app that connects people with great local businesses, including the best vegetarian and vegan-friendly restaurants and shops in the Twin Cities. Use Yelp online or on your smartphone to search for nearby hot spots, post amateur food photography, sign up for the Weekly Yelp, check out the events calendar and share tips and reviews of the places you love in your neighborhood and beyond!


Way Better Snacks Way Better Snacks

Way Better Snacks Sprouted Tortilla Chips are bursting with goodness because we've unlocked the powerful nutrients found in perfect, unprocessed ingredients. It seems like a super-secret scientific miracle that sprouted food could have such incredible benefits, but it's really very simple… and natural. Research has confirmed what has been known for centuries – seeds, grains and beans are outstanding nutritional food sources. What's lessor known is they are difficult to digest and their nutrients are poorly absorbed. This means they can be eaten, pass through the body and still grow into a plant. So, when a person consumes whole flaxseeds there is actually little nutritional benefit. In addition, the seed is whole, and when it comes to the absorption and digestion of nutrients, the smaller the particle, the better the digestion.

Sprouting biologically activates the seed. It creates enzymes which start the seed on its way to becoming a plant. When seeds begin to grow, the natural enzyme inhibitors that protect them are no longer present. It also reduces or eliminates all of the other anti-nutrients found in raw seeds. Adding these quality, super-ingredients to our chips makes them a powerful, yet delicious snack. We're proud to be certified Gluten Free, Non-GMO Project Verified, Kosher, Vegan and made in the USA.


Food Freedom Radio Logo AM950 Food Freedom Radio

AM950 is a locally-owned radio station airing national progressive talkers Stephanie Miller, Ed Schultz and Thom Hartmann and daily local shows: The Morning Grind with Matt McNeil and the Daily Report with Ian Levitt. Food Freedom Radio airs live on Saturdays from 8a to 9a or can be heard anytime on your phone or computer by going to

captured-by-brooke-logo Captured by Brooke

Brooke Reynolds, the founder of Captured by Brooke Photography, is a lover of photography, of colors and textures, interesting people & places and the beauty of nature and wildlife. She is an observant wanderer, keeping her eyes open to the captivating subjects and moments unfolding around us, capturing it with her lens. She is an avid world traveler, visiting over 30 countries in the past 6 years, striving to bring the wonder and essence of a place and culture home with her to share the experience with others.

Brooke is also a passionate animal lover and vegan, who focuses her travels around seeing animals in their natural habitat where they belong and now only photographs animals in the wild or rescue sanctuaries. She hopes somehow, someway, to show her love of animals through her photography and inspire the love of all animals to everyone who sees her photographs. She donates a percentage of profits to deserving animal organizations around the world. Brooke also enjoys photographing a limited amount of artistic weddings and portraits sessions every year. You can find her photos on her website.

green-jeans-media-logo Green Jeans Media

Green Jeans Media produces fun, informative and unique video, animation and motion graphics for non-profit organizations and small businesses. We are bicycle-based and socially conscious and want to help you get the sounds and images out there that communicate the message of the great work you do.

Mercy for Animals logo Mercy for Animals

Mercy For Animals is a national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing cruelty to farmed animals, and promoting compassionate food choices and policies.

radio-k-logo Radio K

Radio K is the award-winning student-run radio station of the University of Minnesota, playing an eclectic variety of independent music both old and new. Radio K educates students, breaks ground in musical programming, and provides cutting-edge cultural coverage through our specialty shows and Culture Queue.

VegGuide Logo is a world wide guide to veg-friendly restaurants and shopping. VegGuide is entirely community-maintained. Anyone can sign up for an account and add a new entry, upload pictures, or write a review. VegGuide is also entirely ad-free. VegGuide.Org is a project of Compassionate Action for Animals in partnership with Compassion Over Killing,Farm Sanctuary, Mercy for Animals, The Humane League, and Vegan Outreach


Eastside Food Co-op Eastside Food Co-op

Eastside Food Co-op is a community owned grocery store situated in the heart of the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District. We are a great place to shop for fresh, local and organic groceries and we are passionately committed to our community and the environment. The food and products that we offer reflect a solid commitment to a fair and just agricultural system, emphasizing sustainability and valuing the links between all aspects of food production: farm workers, farmers, the land, animals and consumers. This approach stresses the environmental and physical health of humans, animals and our shared planet. Eastside Food Co-op is a great example of people power in action and like our customers Eastside Food Co-op votes for the kind of world we want to live in by supporting the things we believe in.

Evolve Systems Evolve Systems

Evolve Systems is a 10 year old company that builds websites using a cruelty-free method with only 100% naturally grown humans and only the finest vegan software tools. Our company's technology vision is lead by Donald Raleigh, a flexetarian for over 5 years.

Evolve Systems exists to change the future of technology through internet application development, integrated customer solutions and payment systems. We strive to create long-lasting relationships with our clients, focusing on their needs with passion, quality and respect. Our services and products are state-of-the-art, assuring the success of your business.

You can find us at (No animals were harmed while typing this marketing piece)

HSUS Logo The Humane Society of the United States

The Humane Society of the United States is the nation's largest and most effective animal protection organization. We help animals by advocating for better laws to protect animals; conducting campaigns to reform industries; providing animal rescue and emergency response; investigating cases of animal cruelty; and caring for animals through our sanctuaries and wildlife rehabilitation centers, emergency shelters and clinics.

Move2Veg logo Move2Veg

Move2Veg provides nutrition counseling with a focus on plant-based eating and can help you to get started or fine tune your eating habits to optimize nutritional health!

Interested in eating more purposefully but not sure how to start?

Want to be the healthiest vegan you can be?

Whether you are taking the first step, or updating your long-term commitment to plant-based eating, it helps to have support and guidance. That's what Move2Veg is all about, helping you meet your goals! At Move2Veg, we can answer questions, assess nutrition, fine-tune your meal plan, focus on your health concerns, shop together, or whatever best meets your needs. Appointment content is flexible depending on your priorities.

Tofurky logo Tofurky

At Turtle Island Foods, our Tofurky® and tempeh products are created to promote the health and vitality of both the people and the ecosystems of our "island" home. For almost 30 years we have worked to create delicious, nutritious, convenient and affordable vegetarian food that make a difference in people's lives and have a minimal impact on our environment.

We are located in Hood River, Oregon, one hour east of Portland. We make our vegetarian products in small batches using only the finest organic and natural ingredients. No preservatives, MSG or other artificial ingredients are added to our products. All of our products are kosher, vegan, and made with organic soybeans and/or organic tofu. We are a family owned and operated company.

Upton's Naturals Upton's Naturals

Upton's Naturals Seitan is not only delicious and completely unique but it is also a healthy and cruelty-free alternative to meat that is 100% vegan. Our special method yields flavor and texture that is unsurpassed, and one look at our ingredients list proves our dedication to simplicity. Upton's Naturals is a vegan-owned company dedicated to providing alternatives to meat that anyone will enjoy. Our seitan and prepared foods can be found at stores nationwide. Visit us at or at our new factory in Chicago!

Vegan Outreach Vegan Outreach

Vegan Outreach is a nonprofit organization working to expose and end cruelty to animals through the widespread distribution of our illustrated booklets: Why Vegan?, Even If You Like Meat, and Compassionate Choices, along with our follow-up Guide to Cruelty-Free Eating. As a member of Vegan Outreach, anyone, anywhere, in any situation can be the best possible spokesperson for the animals.

Individual Sponsors

  • Gayle Bonneville
  • Florence Brammer
  • Caryn Brooks
  • Kevin Chavis
  • Michael Chutich
  • Ram Gada
  • Barbara Huning
  • Jill Jepson
  • Ochen Kaylan
  • Timothy Knox
  • Michael Maddox
  • Phil Martens
  • Unny Nambudiripad
  • Heidi Paquette-Falk
  • Dave Rolsky
  • Suzanne Sorensen
  • Jacqui Tehranchi
  • Patrick Tullo
  • Richard & Colleen Wicklund
  • Michael Willemsen

Raffle Donors

  • BenBella Books
  • Cheapo
  • Common Good Books
  • Da Capo Books
  • Ecopolitan
  • Fran Costigan
  • Veg News
  • Vegan Cuts
  • Vegan Outreach
  • Vo's Vietnamese
  • Whole Foods

Twin Cities Veg Fest A Big Success

We held our second Twin Cities Veg Fest last Saturday, and it was a huge success! 2,000 people came to sample tasty food, listen to music, and hear from engaging speakers

Thanks to everybody who came to the second Twin Cities Veg Fest!

Please check out the video about the event created by our generous sponsor, Green Jeans Media.

We've posted some of the photos, too!

Did you come to the festival and want to tell us what you think? Please fill out our survey. Please do not fill out the survey if you already filled out a paper one. And if you want to volunteer, please be sure to include your email address so we can contact you!

Thank you to our sponsors, exhibitors, speakers, bands, and volunteers who all made this possible!

Food, Fun and Animal Advocacy This Weekend

Enjoy Delicious food, free music, powerful speakers and more this weekend at Twin Cities Veg Fest and Their Lives, Our Voices

Come to Twin Cities Veg Fest on Saturday, eat a Vegan Love Waffle, learn about farmed animals, and celebrate compassion with some of our best local musical acts!

Twin Cities Veg Fest is a fun event for people who are interested in reducing animal suffering, thinking about transitioning toward vegetarianism or veganism, or otherwise want to explore the impact of compassionate consumer choice.

Vegan Love Waffles

Speakers include Mercy for Animals' Executive Director Nathan Runkle, and also Farm Sanctuary's Nick Cooney. New this year, Twin Cities Veg Fest will have live music, featuring local artists Sleepyhead, Alison Scott, Sean Anonymous and In Defence. Attendees will enjoy tons of free vegan food samples as well as delicious vegan cuisine offered by food vendors such as Kitty Corner Cafe (creators of the Vegan Love Waffle), Asase Yaa, Flamingo and Seward Cafe!

Twin Cities Veg Fest 2012

Twin Cities Veg Fest is for anyone and everyone – omnivores, vegetarians, and vegans alike! So please invite all your non-veg friends and family! This is a fun, friendly event where they can learn about the animal-friendly community in the Twin Cities. Join our event on Facebook so they see that you're going, and please invite them yourself. For your music-loving friends, we also have a Facebook event for the concert.

The festival will take place from 10am to 4pm at Coffman Memorial Union on the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota. See our location page for more details. The nearest parking is the East River Road Garage behind Coffman Memorial Union.

Get Inspired at Their Lives, Our Voices

After Twin Cities Veg Fest leaves you feeling energized and wanting to do more to help farmed animals, please join us for Their Lives, Our Voices (TLOV) on on Sunday, October 27 from 9:45am to 5:20pm in the Science Teaching & Student Services Building on the University of Minnesota Minneapolis Campus.

Their Lives, Our Voices 2013

Their Lives, Our Voices is a one day animal advocacy conference featuring empowering talks on animal advocacy strategy, skills, and philosophy. The event features Nathan Runkle of Mercy for Animals as our keynote speaker. We have a great set of speakers lined up for the rest of the day too. They will provide a full day of presentations and workshops that will help you become a better advocate for animals. A vegan lunch is provided.

Registration is $20, with a $10 registration level available for students and low income individuals. You can RSVP to the Facebook event, but note online registration is required.

TLOV is hosted by Compassionate Action for Animals.

Come to Twin Cities Veg Fest 2013

Delicious food, great speakers, and fantastic music! What more could you want?

Twin Cities Veg Fest is for anyone and everyone – from omnivores to vegetarians and vegans! If you've ever thought about becoming vegetarian or are interested in reducing animal suffering, you'll love Twin Cities Veg Fest. Here are the details:

Date: Saturday, October 26, 2013
Time: 10 am to 4 pm
Location: Coffman Memorial Union, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 300 Washington Ave Southeast, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Cost: Free!

Learn where your food comes from, how to be a healthy vegetarian or vegan, and why being compassionate benefits everyone. Plus you'll enjoy tons of free vegan food samples and delicious vegan cuisine. We also have a great lineup of speakers, and this year we've added a concert! Everyone who came to our 2012 festival had a great time, and this year will be even better.

If you're already vegetarian or vegan, please invite your non-veg friends and family. This is a fun, friendly event where they can learn about the animal-friendly community in the Twin Cities. Join our event on Facebook so they see that you're going, and please invite them yourself. For your music-loving friends, we also have a Facebook event for the concert.

Their Lives, Our Voices Speakers Announced

The 2013 Their Lives, Our Voices animal advocacy conference features a great collection of speakers. Find out what they’re talking about here!

Their Lives, Our Voices is back! The renowned animal advocacy conference is being rebooted for 2013. This year’s event will feature presentations from 11 leading animal advocates covering a broad range of topics. The day begins with a keynote from Nathan Runkle of Mercy for Animals, “Building a Kind Future: How You Can Make a World of Difference for Animals”. Thanks to Nathan’s leadership and the groundbreaking undercover work done by Mercy for Animals, millions of consumers have seen firsthand the plight of animals in factory farms. Following Nathan’s keynote, speakers will be divided into two tracks.

At 11:00, Minnesota Voters for Animal Protection founder and president Christine Coughlin will share her expertise in leading effective political and lobbying campaigns. Jessica Tritsch of the Sierra Club will discuss developing effective volunteer leadership teams, including recruiting volunteers, establishing roles and goals, and maintaining ongoing engagement.

At 1:00, University of Wisconsin-River Falls professor Greta Gaard will present on the intersection of animal welfare, feminism, and human rights. Nick Cooney, founder of The Human League and Compassionate Communities Manager for Farm Sanctuary and author of the excellent Change of Heart, will review the latest research in psychology and communication studies to help identify the most effective ways to inspire behavioral change.

At 2:00, CAA co-founder and Executive Director Unny Nambudiripad will provide a how-to on planning engaging and effective events. Suzy Sorensen, owner of Move2Veg Nutrition Counseling, will highlight up-to-date, science-based nutritional information that every activist needs to know to speak convincingly on plant-based and vegan diets.

At 3:00, Michelle Rosier of the Sierra Club will provide insight on leading effective grassroots campaigns, including setting goals, determining targets, identifying key stakeholders, and assessing results. CAA co-founder and Board Member Dave Rolsky will discuss CAA’s strategy and vision in the pursuit of animal liberation.

The final speakers of the day will be Bridges of Respect Program Coordinator Shannon Kimball and St. Catherine University professor Jeff Johnson. Shannon will highlight the effectiveness of humane education and outreach to schools. Jeff will examine alternative messaging strategies used when discussing animal welfare.

Whether you’re a seasoned vet or just finding your footing as an animal advocate, you can be sure there’s plenty to learn at this year’s TLOV. Why wait? Register today! Be sure to check us out on Facebook and invite your friends! And all volunteers get free admission to the conference. Take a look at the website to see if any available positions work for you.

Volunteer at the Twin Cities Veg Fest

Can you help make the Twin Cities Veg Fest a success? We need help at the festival and before and after as well. Thanks!

Compassionate Action for Animals is hosting the second annual Twin Cities Veg Fest on October 26, 2013. We need your help to make it a success. It will be a lot of fun, you'll get to meet other volunteers, and you'll be an integral part of this huge festival!

Here are the available positions:

  • U-Haul Loading (the evening before the festival)
  • Set-up
  • Speaker Monitor
  • Maintenance
  • CAA Table
  • Veg Fest Table
  • Paid Per View Table
  • Food Giveaway Table
  • Greeters
  • Floater
  • Tech Support
  • Concert Helpers
  • Kids Area Helpers
  • Clean-up
  • Evening Transport

See more details at the Twin Cities Veg Fest website, and let us know what you're interested in helping with by emailing [email protected]. Feel free to volunteer all day, if you're available. We'll provide fellowship and an amazing, fun-filled veggie experience! Hope to see you there!

Upcoming Events

Saturday, February 1, 2025 - Monday, March 31, 2025

Volunteer from Home: Write Postcards to Target Cruelty

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Vegan Vibes 2025: CAA’s Annual Banquet

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Humane Lobby Day

Thursday, April 3, 2025

West Suburbs Vegan Potluck (April)