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The 2016 Annual Report

What did Compassionate Action for Animals accomplish in 2016? Check out our 2016 Annual Report and read all about it.
The annual report gives you the scoop on all of our 2016 programs, events, activities, and their impact. Through a combination of outreach, education, and community building we honor our mission to encourage people to embrace their empathy and move toward a plant-based diet. The annual report also includes a financial statement, showing our income and expenses for the year, as well as acknowledgement to all of our top donors.
Thanks to all of you who support our work through your donations, volunteerism, and event participation. We truly could not do so much without our community of dedicated animal advocates.
We hope you will stay involved and increase your participation in 2017 and beyond. Our movement is making tremendous progress, but there’s much further to go. The animals need us to raise our voices and do what we can so that their stories are heard. Together, let’s continue to grow our movement and live our compassion.
Meet Our New Board Member – Chris Homsey

Our board of directors has recently added a new member, and what a boon for CAA! Chris Homsey is a dedicated animal advocate who has volunteered for CAA since 2013. Over the past few years, she’s taken on a number of leadership roles with the organization, and with each position she’s demonstrated professionalism, intelligence, and kindness. Let’s get to know her better here.
Chris is no stranger to animal agriculture. She grew up on a crop farm in southern Minnesota, and the nearby neighbors had dairy cows and raised pigs for meat. Knowing the pigs would become food, Chris says she stayed detached, distancing herself from them as individuals. Then, later in life, after moving away to the Twin Cities, she caught a bit of a slaughterhouse exposé on TV. Seeing the grisly reality of factory farming, she decided in that moment never to eat meat again. Being a food scientist who had worked in product development, she was familiar with the idea of vegetarianism, though veganism still seemed extreme to her.
She maintained a vegetarian diet for many years, and her transition to veganism began after visiting Farm Sanctuary in New York and meeting the rescued animals in person. Then, after attending a conference about factory farming in 2011 (and being impressed with the all-vegan menu served during the conference weekend), she made the final switch, cutting cheese and ice cream from her diet—those things that were the hardest for her to give up.
In 2013, Chris dove head first into volunteering for CAA; her first volunteer position was cooking demo coordinator for Twin Cities Veg Fest. What a job! But as a food scientist, she was familiar with project management and working with food, so it wasn’t such a stretch for her skill set.
And now after a few years of being a committed volunteer and donor, she’s joining the board of directors. Why? “I like the idea of having input in CAA and its direction. It’s a great organization and I like the philosophy of gently encouraging people to move toward a veg lifestyle.”
Chris values the way CAA creates a sense of community, especially with recidivism being such an issue. She says, “I didn’t have a lot of vegans in my life, so just to feel supported and not alone was so important.”
Chris is also hopeful for our movement, just looking at how mainstream plant-based milks are becoming. And cheese substitutes are getting better and better, though she says there’s still room for improvement. “Food science will get us there!” Coming from a food scientist, that sounds especially promising.
Interested in becoming a member of our board of directors? For more information, contact Laura Matanah at [email protected].
The 8th Annual Vegan Chili Cook-Off in Pictures!

Our 8th Annual Vegan Chili Cook-Off was a huge success! According to our survey, ninety-four percent of people left wanting to try more plant-based food. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped out in various ways, the cook-off contestants with their delicious chili recipes, and everyone who attended to enjoy the food, the competition, and the community. Get a glimpse of the fun in the slideshow below!
Also, we’re pleased to share the recipes for the two winning chili dishes:
Our next big event is the 2017 Annual Banquet. We hope you’ll join us for that. Get your tickets soon!
The 2017 Annual Banquet and Reception – You’re Invited!

Join us for our 2017 Annual Banquet and Reception on Saturday, April 22 from 5:30 to 9:00pm at the Wellstone Center in St. Paul.
Purchase your tickets today! This very special event is not only a fantastic opportunity to support our work for the animals, but it’s also a lot of fun.
Join us for the 8th Annual Vegan Chili Cook-Off!

Sample homemade vegan chili at our 8th Annual Vegan Chili Cook-Off on Saturday, February 18 from 7 to 10pm at St. Catherine’s University in the student center (Coeur de Catherine) on the third floor in the Rauenhorst Ballroom. It’s free to attend and everyone is welcome, whether they’re omnivore, vegetarian, or vegan. The event is co-sponsored by Advocating for Animals, a St. Kate’s student group.
The food goes fast, so be sure to arrive right at 7 for best selection. We’ll have two categories: bean-based and meatless meat. The first guests to arrive will get to take their pick of which set to sample and rate! Continue reading
Give for the Animals Today!

Dear friend of the animals,
What a monumental year it has been at Compassionate Action for Animals! Thank you for being a part of our team of animal advocates, making plant-based food, compassionate fellowship, and humane education available to the Twin Cities community.
Please help us reach our year-end goal of $10,000 by making a gift to CAA in the month of December. Your contributions will be matched 2-for-1, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor. That means we can raise an additional $20,000 to help farmed animals!
Meet Our New Executive Director!

Just a couple weeks ago, Compassionate Action for Animals announced that a new executive director had been selected. Laura Matanah will begin working with CAA in December with a one-month training period alongside Unny Nambudiripad, the current executive director.
Unny announced last July that he would be stepping down from the position in January 2017, and since then our hiring committee has been devoted to finding the right person to take his place, someone with a combination of nonprofit leadership experience, fundraising know-how, and good people skills. Plus, this person would have to have an outstanding passion for animal advocacy and an understanding of our diverse Twin Cities community. We are delighted to have found in Laura Matanah a candidate who captures all of these qualities and more.
Perhaps you’ve seen Laura at some of our CAA events over the past few years. She and her wife Sarah have been active members of the community, attending dine outs, potlucks, and our annual banquet. Laura also has experience volunteering with CAA’s pay-per-view outreach, sharing our message of compassion for animals with members of the general public. Her motivation to apply for the position was based on the impact CAA’s work had on her. She says, “CAA’s incremental approach is what enabled me to fully acknowledge the depth of farmed animal suffering and become a committed vegan. CAA also led me to become an animal advocate in my personal life.”

The majority of Laura’s nonprofit experience comes from her tenure as executive director for Rainbow Rumpus, an organization that began as a small group of volunteers who wanted to create great stories for kids from LGBT-headed homes and grew to be the primary publisher of LGBT family fiction worldwide, run by a combination of paid staff and volunteers.
To achieve this remarkable growth over a period of eight years, Laura recruited, trained, and inspired volunteers; worked with the board to create and implement individual donor fundraising plans; and ensured the organization consistently achieved its program goals. She worked with board and staff members to expand their impact by developing strategic plans, logic models, and systems for evaluation; built and maintained relationships with institutional partners; managed finances; and supervised staff.
In addition to this extensive nonprofit experience, Laura also has experience as an elementary teacher in the Minneapolis Public Schools. Of special note, during her time at Pratt School, Laura was a member of the Instructional Leadership Team, which provided vision and support for high-quality instruction through a racial equity lens. She played a key role in initiating a program to begin centralizing the voices of families of color at the school and in leading professional development to help teachers address their own unconscious bias.
And now what does Laura envision for CAA? We’ll let her tell you in her own words:
I think the change in leadership is a chance for all of us to look at the organization with fresh eyes. Here are some questions I’m considering:
- How well do our programs and mission align?
- How effective are we at getting people to change their diets?
- Are there new strategies we want to incorporate?
- Do we want to engage in other types of animal advocacy or talk more about the impacts of animal agriculture on wild animals, people, and the earth’s ecosystems?
- How much do people from a range of racial and cultural communities feel welcome, participate, and share their talents?
I think it’s my job to support the community in developing processes to examine these questions, gather data, and make plans. That, of course, is a longer-term project. In the short-term, maintaining and growing CAA’s wonderful programs is my highest priority. It’s clear to me that in order to do that we need to expand our donor base, our board of directors, and the Twin Cities Veg Fest planning committee. Also, in light of current events, the welcome of our multicultural community seems more important than ever.
From the moment my wife Sarah and I got involved as volunteers, I was struck by CAA’s number of programs, volunteer commitment, and community energy. Participating in CAA’s events and becoming part of the vegan community has been a huge source of joy to me.
During Twin Cities Veg Fest, I was delighted to meet a 2nd grader Ivy who goes to Folwell, which houses the International Fine Arts Program I taught in, and to see 4th-grader Johanna, who was one of my students at Pratt. I’m excited to connect with families who are part of CAA.
I can’t wait to become a full-time animal advocate and get to know everyone in the community better.
We are excited to welcome Laura to the team. Her genuine warmth, collaborative spirit, and passion for the movement are the ideal ingredients for the future success of CAA.

So what does Laura do when she’s not advocating for animals?
You’re likely to spot me walking our dog Houdini in the Seward neighborhood where we live. I bike, cook, read, play board games, and work with Sarah on turning our yard into a pollinator-friendly perennial garden. My spiritual life is supported by involvement with Twin Cities Friends Meeting (Quaker), Friends in El Salvador, and the Common Ground Meditation Center. I enjoy time with our 18-year-old twins, Da’Jon and Tajah, who are moving into the world of work and independence. I also enjoy snuggling with our six-toed cat Mitzi.
Laura will be at our 14th Annual Vegan Thanksgiving Potluck on November 19. You can meet her there and at the same time join in our annual celebration of gratitude.
The 2016 Kenny Feldman Animal Advocate Award Goes to…

We’re pleased to announce the winner of the 2016 Kenny Feldman Animal Advocate Award.
We’ve created this award to recognize a person, organization, or business in our community whose amazing work is pushing the ball forward for animals. This year, we’re giving the award to Minnesota State Senator Scott Dibble.
Compassionate Times: What’s New at Twin Cities Veg Fest!

Our fifth annual Twin Cities Veg Fest is coming up in just a few weeks, and we hope you’re planning on joining us for this fun-filled celebration of compassion.
This year, you’ve got two days for you to choose from: Saturday, October 29 and Sunday, October 30. Each day from 11am to 4pm, we fill Coffman Memorial Union with a variety of exhibitors and food vendors and a different line-up of speaker presentations and cooking demos, all showing how fun and fulfilling it is to embrace a compassionate lifestyle. You might just want to come both days to catch it all!
Even if you’ve been to the festival in previous years, you’ll find a lot that you haven’t experienced there before. Here are just some of this year’s festival presenters that are altogether new or packaged in exciting new ways this time around:
- Our local vegan superstar, The Herbivorous Butcher, returns, but this year, in addition to sharing their meat-free meats, they’ll wow us with a cooking demo. Don’t you want to know how Kale and Aubry Walch make their vegan food so good? That’ll be on Sunday at 1:30–not to be missed!
- Another returning champion is our local vegan showgirl, Mistress Ginger. This year, instead of a cooking demo, she’ll be serving up a speaker presentation, sprinkled with song and dance. Catch “Compassion with a Fan Kick” on Saturday at 12:30.
- We’ve also got vegan celebrities from out of town. Check out Mexican TV personality Marco Antonio Regil on Sunday at 11:30 and vegan chef Tess Challis on Sunday at 1:15. Marco educates and inspires, sharing about the many benefits a plant-based diet, while Tess shows you how to make that plant-based diet a reality with a cooking demo that includes Thai Red Curry Noodles.
And speaking of food, you can look forward to lots of fantastic vegan food all weekend long. That’s one of the wonderful things about Twin Cities Veg Fest: you don’t have to bother to read labels for animals ingredients because you can rest assured that it’s all vegan. Heavenly!
Of the long list of exhibitors and food vendors, here are some of the those that are new to the festival this year:
The festival is free to attend, and you’ll certainly have plenty to enjoy there without even dipping into your wallet. At the same time, we encourage you to support all the vegan vendors who are spreading a message of compassion through their businesses. In addition to the many food options, there will books, clothing, artwork, and other items available for purchase. Here are a few of the compassionate vendors that you can look forward to finding (and supporting!) at this year’s Twin Cities Veg Fest:
- Boneshaker Books
- Book Publishing Company
- Captured by Brooke Photography
- Ethique Nouveau
- Herbivore
What we’ve listed here is just the tip of the iceberg. For a complete listing of all that will be available at this year’s Twin Cities Veg Fest, visit the festival website. There, you can read more about all the festival offerings and get the schedule for speaker presentations and cooking demos.
Join us on October 29 and 30 and please invite your friends and family. This celebration of compassion is for everyone!
Meet Our Newest Board Member – Jennifer Swick

CAA is happy to welcome Jennifer Swick to our Board of Directors. Let’s get to know her!
Jennifer first became aware of the issues with animal agriculture about fifteen years ago at the Living Green Expo. A group there was doing pay-per-view outreach, showing people how animals suffer on factory farms. Jennifer describes it as one of those life-changing moments, when you’re introduced to a whole new reality that you didn’t know existed. “Oh, this is the world I’m living in!”
That intense awakening planted a seed of awareness that continued to grow in the years that followed. Then about four years ago, Jennifer became friends with a bona fide vegan. She had never before known a vegan personally, but in knowing one got to see how easy and doable it is to eat only plant-based foods. Pretty soon, she was taking action for animals: cutting animal products out of her diet and getting involved with CAA as a volunteer.
Her first activities with CAA were leafleting and pay-per-view outreach. Pay-per-view has a special place in her heart since since it’s what originally opened her eyes to this cause. She also keeps the Roseville library stocked with vegetarian starter kits. Apparently, they go like hotcakes there!
Her favorite volunteer activity has been helping out with Bridges of Respect, CAA’s humane education program. She started by assisting with presentations and now leads them. The program is a good match for her background in education, since she served for ten years as the education director at a large church in Minnetonka.
For the past seven years, Jennifer has worked at People Serving People, helping families experiencing homelessness. You might wonder, how has working with these families influenced Jennifer’s approach to vegan advocacy?
Jennifer says that when someone in a crisis mode, lacking basic necessities such as food and shelter, it’s not the right time to contemplate making big life changes. Instead, she advises that if we want to engage with economically disadvantaged populations, the focus should be on making fresh fruits and veggies available. For instance, it’s a really positive development that farmer’s markets now accept EBT cards.
This is a very important perspective to consider if we want to engage diverse communities through our work, and we’re especially grateful to have someone with specialized experience in this area joining the board.
And what excites Jennifer most about being on the board? The people. She’s found the leadership at CAA to be very inspiring, and being a part of the team is good way to continue to learn from others. Also, she likes thinking about the big picture, and being on the board gives an opportunity to help shape the future of the organization. Plus, it’s an especially exciting time to get involved with the executive director transition happening in December.
Along with all of the amazing work Jennifer does for animals and for people, she loves tennis, ultimate frisbee, biking, and reading. She’s a big fan of Trader Joe’s Three Layer Hummus and will happily order the mock sesame chicken from Evergreen Chinese Restaurant.
Jennifer says she grateful to be a part of CAA and that this community is really a gift. Well, we feel the same about having her on board, sharing her many gifts with all of us and for the animals.