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Meet Our New Board Members – Theresa and Nathan

Theresa Zingery and Nathan Gaut recently joined our board of directors. Learn more about these two dedicated animal advocates here.
Theresa Zingery has lived on and off in Minneapolis for more than thirty years. She is currently the director of the Adult Academic Program of Robbinsdale Area Schools, a school for adults who want to learn English or get a High School Credential.
Nathan Gaut was born and raised in San Diego. He moved to the Twin Cities in 2016 to pursue a PhD in biochemistry and is currently a graduate student researching biotechnology and synthetic biology.
What motivated you to get involved with animal advocacy?
Theresa: In 2015, I heard more about what happens to animals on factory farms, and I went vegan after thirty years as a vegetarian. I was motivated to get involved in animal advocacy because it’s important to me to live my values and to share them with others. I think education is key to changing the world and believe that if people know the truth about factory farming they would change how they eat.
Nathan: I never liked the taste of meat, so I was raised vegetarian almost my whole life. In college, I started thinking more about my diet’s impact on animals and three years ago decided to make the switch to being vegan. After moving to the Twin Cities, I felt comfortable with my new diet and wanted to get more involved in animal advocacy, which was when I got involved with the CAA student group at the University of Minnesota. I attended a few of their weekly meetings and from there joined the Twin Cities Veg Fest planning committee as Exhibitor Logistics Coordinator.
What about CAA appeals to you?
Theresa: I feel that the mission and vision of CAA are in keeping with my values. I very much value our pay-per-view and virtual reality outreach programs and have focused a lot of my volunteering with CAA in those areas.
Nathan: I’m always excited to see how CAA creates a sense of community and supports people moving toward plant-based eating. The organization also maintains a positive and encouraging tone with all of its outreach. The fact that the CAA community has been growing in the past few years shows that this welcoming approach is really working.
What are your hopes for CAA and for the animal protection movement?
Theresa: The time is ripe for people to embrace compassion. The world is open to the vegan message, and I think the tide has turned. Through my work at CAA, I want to help this momentum to accelerate, growing the compassionate community right here in the Twin Cites.
Nathan: My hope for CAA is that it to continue to grow and reach more people. It is astounding how far the animal advocacy movement has come in the past few years; there are fully vegan restaurants, plentiful vegan options at most other restaurants, and the word “vegan” is part of everyone’s vocabulary. As it becomes easier and more socially acceptable to be vegan, I think that CAA will be instrumental in helping more and more people make that shift to a compassionate lifestyle.
Speaking of compassionate living, what are your favorite vegan foods?
Theresa: My favorite vegan foods are usually Indian, Middle Eastern, or Asian food, but vegan pizza is a favorite too. (Pizza Luce!)
Nathan: I’m always choosing new favorite recipes, but right now, my favorite is a simple tofu and veggie stir-fry over rice.
How do you spend your time when you’re not advocating for animals?
Theresa: I’m active in the Svaroopa Yoga community and am a social activist on various causes, including immigrant rights, equity for all, ending racism, death with dignity, and the environment. I live with my husband, David Breeden, and two furry kids of the cat variety.
Nathan: I enjoy exploring nature, reading, motorcycling, and checking out local breweries.
We’re honored to have Theresa and Nathan join the board and look forward to working with them to end the exploitation of animals.
If you’re interested in joining the board, please read our letter to prospective board members and board member responsibilities. Also, familiarize yourself with the CAA core values and bylaws.
Board meetings are open to the public. If you’d like to attend a board meeting or would like more information about the board member selection process, contact Laura Matanah at [email protected].
The Impact of Bearing Witness

There is nothing wholesome about animal agriculture. It is a brutal, bloody business that treats sensitive animals like objects.
Nothing speaks more to this fact than the firsthand accounts shared by undercover investigators. In addition to the videos that are released following their investigations, the stories they tell as individuals who bear witness to the horrific abuse of farmed animals are decidedly powerful.
I realized the power of their stories when I first attended the Animal Rights National Conference. I had been aware of the issues, had seen the videos, had heard many lectures on why animal agriculture is a problem. And even after all of that, I was particularly moved by keynote presentations by former undercover investigators Taylor Radig and TJ Tumasse. (Follow the links to hear their stories.)
More recently, former investigator Elizabeth Pachaud told her story of being traumatized by her experience working on a factory farm.
I remember one mother pig especially. She was physically worn out and very sick. She was sprawled out in her crate, her snout resting in a mound of stale feed, and she had stopped eating. Workers had spray-painted a red “X” on her back to indicate she would be “culled,” or more simply, killed. Eventually, every mother pig who could no longer give birth received this designation.
I knew that things would never be better for her. She had known nothing but pain and suffering for her entire life, and by the look of resignation in her eyes, I could tell she had given up. Over the course of a week, when I was sure I was alone, I’d stop by her cage, sit down next to her, and quietly talk to her — a risk I barely ever let myself take.
Heartbreaking. Through our empathy, we’re able to feel not only for Elizabeth’s experience but also for the mother pig.
It’s hard to read that and not feel powerless. But there are steps we can take.
We can choose to withdraw our support for a system that abuses animals. We can choose vegan food options whenever possible, gradually eliminating the meat, dairy, and eggs from our diets. We can rest assured that lots of delicious, nourishing plant-based food is available.
If it feels overwhelming to make the switch, start with one meal a day or one meal a week. Join us for a dine out or a potluck. Explore the options and get to know others in the community. We welcome everyone, no matter where you are in your process.
We are grateful for the brave work of undercover investigators, exposing the industry for what it is so that we all can make more compassionate choices. We can listen to their stories and be moved by empathy to take action for animals in our everyday lives.
Creating Change for Animals – Julie’s Story
The When and Where of Twin Cities Veg Fest 2018

We’ve already got a spot reserved for Twin Cities Veg Fest 2018. Save the date now for our seventh annual celebration of compassion!
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Harriet Island Regional Park
Last month, we had our annual festival outdoors for the first time, and it was a huge success with more than 7,000 in attendance. That’s 3,000 more than the year before!
We look forward to riding this momentum for continued growth into the next year, and we’ll be working to ensure that we can provide all of the resources needed to satisfy the bigger crowds. That means we’ll have more exhibitors and a different layout that allows for shorter lines.
And though Como Park was a lovely, we’ve decided to take the festival to Harriet Island for the coming year for a number of reasons. Harriet Island offers:
- More room to grow
- Easier load-in for exhibitors
- One large, better-equipped kitchen
- More accessibility via light rail to shuttle service at Union Depot
- More parking for people with disabilities
We’ll also get to move away from the zoo at Como Park, which increased traffic and felt in conflict with our mission to help animals.
And so, Harriet Island it will be, next year and forevermore!
We’re already recruiting for new planning committee members, and soon we’ll be on the lookout for sponsors and exhibitors. If you’re interested in being a part of Twin Cities Veg Fest 2018 in any of these ways, please contact Nathan Gaut at [email protected].
Twin Cities Veg Fest 2017 in Pictures
Twin Cities Veg Fest 2017 offered an abundance of smiles, sunshine, food, and fun. See for yourself!
Thanks to all of our volunteer photographers for capturing these memorable moments!
CAA Strategic Planning Report – Part 2
CAA Adventures at AR 2017

A number of CAA staff, board members, and volunteers attended the 2017 Animal Rights National Conference in August, and we want to tell you all about it.
This annual conference offers a chance to grow as animal advocates through inspiring presentations, hands-on workshops, and networking opportunities.
In my fourth year attending the conference, I realize that I find it most enriching to explore the wide variety of approaches to animal advocacy that are present at the conference. I learn a lot in hearing from those who take a different strategy than the one used by CAA, and I appreciate connecting with those larger organizations who mirror our values. All together, I’m reminded how big our movement is and what we ultimately share: a desire to help nonhuman animals.
Here are some other conference experiences and observations that we’ve taken back with us to enrich our local AR community:
From Sarah Badger, CAA Volunteer
This was my first AR Conference. I learned about current issues and the animal rights movement by attending sessions that discuss animal abuse in food, fashion, science, and entertainment. I also learned how to be a better advocate, what it’s like working in animal rights, and what activism approaches are most effective.
However, the best part was meeting awesome animal activists and making connections with the community. Bonding with people through the banquet, networking events, and closing night party was the most memorable part of the conference!
From Dave Rolsky, CAA Co-Founder and Board Member
The best thing for me about the conference is connecting with people who care about animals as much as I do. It’s great to see old friends from other parts of the country and to meet new people as well.
The most interesting session I attended was about getting people new to the issues to stick with diet change. The way groups like FARM and MFA are approaching this is something I think we could emulate on a local scale with CAA.
Of course, the real highlight was going to Poplar Spring Sanctuary on Monday and meeting the animals who lived there!
From Laura Matanah, CAA Executive Director
It was my first time at the conference, and I enjoyed hearing from so many folks in the movement. I especially appreciated the Engaging Inclusively workshop led by people of color. It was also great to build connections with fellow veg fest organizers through a networking session sponsored by VegFund.
During that session, I met organizer Dave Swarts, who founded Voice for Animals in Kansas City. We also got to connect on the trip to Poplar Spring Sanctuary. It was wonderful to see him again a couple weeks ago when he joined us to volunteer at Twin Cities Veg Fest.
I look forward to continued contact with many people I met during the conference.
From Abraham Rowe, CAA Volunteer and Board Member
One of my favorite things about attending the conference is the opportunity to hear from so many experienced advocates. It’s powerful to hear what strategies organizations working on a local level, like the Piedmont Farm Animal Refuge, to national organizations like The Humane League are doing for animals. Sharing this information makes all of our organizations more effective and stronger. Plus the food was really good.
From Brita Bengtson, CAA Volunteer and TCVF Social Media Coordinator
This was the fifth year I have attended the conference. My main interest is discovering new and increasingly effective ways of advocating for animals.
I have made a point of experiencing the newest virtual reality technology these past three conferences. It is heartbreaking to see all this violence in virtual reality, but I want to be able to experience it for myself so that I can assess new outreach ideas for CAA. This year I experienced a portrayal of the open rescue of two piglets from Smithfield Foods.
You may have seen the story in the New York Times. The great thing about the video was the happy ending for these two lucky individuals. I hope it gives young activists hope for fighting for the rest of them.
Twin Cities Veg Fest 2017 – Glorious and Ginormous!

On Saturday, September 9, more than 7,000 people came together to celebrate compassion at Twin Cities Veg Fest 2017!
The sixth annual festival was held for the first time ever outdoors at Como Park. Attendance exceeded our expectations by thousands, which goes to show how the interest in vegan food is growing exponentially in the Twin Cities area.
The food surely took center stage, with vendors such as The Herbivorous Butcher and Root to Rise serving up their cruelty-free fare to a steady stream of hungry customers, which included vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores alike.
Other highlights included cooking demonstrations with Steve Leinen, Feed Me Vegan, and Mistress Ginger, as well as a panel discussion on farm sanctuaries. Also, Christine Coughlin, Minnesota State Director of the Humane Society of the United States, was presented with the Kenny Feldman Animal Advocate Award.
The six-hour festival was an opportunity for our vegan community to come together and celebrate how we are thriving, and it was also a chance for new folks to get a taste of what vegan living is all about. We noticed lots more diversity in the attendees this year, which is another great benefit in taking the festival outdoors.
Of course, the outdoor space will also allow us to continue to grow the festival. We learned a lot in this first year at Como Park, especially how we can better accommodate the huge crowds. (If you haven’t already, please take our attendee survey and let us know about your festival experience.)
We had lots of support in making this festival happen, and we are deeply grateful to all of these individuals:
Our planning committee was comprised of sixteen volunteers who each dedicated many hours of their time over the past nine months to organizing the festival, and then we had more than 200 volunteers helping out last Saturday. We truly could not have done it without them.
If you’re interested in being on the planning committee for next year’s festival, please contact Laura at [email protected].
Thanks also to everyone who donated to our Twin Cities Veg Fest fundraiser this past summer. You helped to make this happen, and we’re very grateful for your support. We were able to make the festival free for all to attend because of your generosity.
And thanks to our exhibitors, chefs, musicians, and presenters, all of whom added to what the festival had to offer its attendees. (We heard that many of the food vendors were surprised with the huge turnout, and some even had to return to their restaurants to get more food to sell! Next year, we’ll be offering many more vendors the opportunity to participate.)
Lastly, we want to offer a special shout-out to our festival sponsors:
- Kenny Feldman Animal Advocate
- Farmaste
- Herbivorous Acres
- Spring Farm Sanctuary
- SoulSpace Farm Sanctuary
- VegFund
- Yelp Twin Cities
- Mercy for Animals
- Eureka Recycling
- Imbue Yoga/Mary Bue
- Kelska Blu
- Lundberg Family Farms
- Rosedale Center
- The Herbivorous Butcher
- Vegan Outreach
We hope that you were able to join us for Twin Cities Veg Fest 2017 and had an overall wonderful time. We also hope you’ll be inspired to stay involved with the compassionate community.
Compassionate Action for Animals has lots of public events throughout the year, including our big Vegan Thanksgiving Potluck in November. Come to our events, volunteer, donate… However you choose to stay involved, we hope you’ll continue to celebrate compassion each and every day.
The 2017 Kenny Feldman Animal Advocate Award Goes to…

We’re pleased to announce the winner of the 2017 Kenny Feldman Animal Advocate Award.
We’ve created this award to recognize a person, organization, or business in our community whose amazing work is pushing the ball forward for animals. This year, we’re giving the award to Christine Coughlin, Minnesota State Director of the Humane Society of the United States.
Born and raised in Minnesota, Christine has been active in the field of animal protection since 2002, with a focus on grassroots legislative campaigns and electoral advocacy. Christine has served on animal welfare policy task forces for the City of Minneapolis, initiated the biannual publication of Minnesota’s Humane Scorecard, and founded Minnesota Voters for Animal Protection, serving as president and executive director until 2014.
Christine’s legislative experience includes working with allies to pass state and local legislation. Her accomplishments include:
- The Dog & Cat Breeder Regulation Law & Beagle Freedom Law (2014)
- Making possession of animal fighting paraphernalia a crime (2010)
- Defeating a pro-horse slaughter resolution (2009)
- The ordinance to protect community cats in Minneapolis (2014)
- A ban on recreational and commercial trapping in the City of White Bear Lake (2014)
- Prohibition on the pet store sale of dogs and cats from puppy and kitten mills in Roseville (2017)
- A ban on the use of bullhooks on circus elephants in Minneapolis (2016)
CAA will present Christine with the award at Twin Cities Veg Fest 2017 on September 9 at Como Park. The award presentation will take place at 2:15pm under the big tent just before the panel discussion on farm sanctuaries.
This award honors the memory of animal lover Kenny Feldman. He thought animals were to be cared for and allowed to a live a life with freedom. Kenny was a close friend of Compassionate Action for Animals co-founder and first Executive Director, Unny Nambudiripad. He inspired Unny to become an activist. Sadly, we lost Kenny to suicide 18 years ago. From that tragic loss, we were moved to establish this annual award to acknowledge the contributions of individuals who strive to create a more compassionate world.
The Feldman family wants to thank CAA, Unny Nambudiripad, and current Executive Director Laura Matanah for helping preserve Kenny’s memory and continuing his legacy of being an animal lover and activist in animal rights campaigns. To find out more about Kenny, visit the Remembering Kenny Feldman Facebook page.
Eureka! A New Vegan Spot in the Twin Cities!

Maybe you saw the Star Tribune article. Or the Pioneer Press article. Or some other article that announced that an new vegan restaurant would be opening in the Twin Cities—and soon! And maybe you caught a glimpse of their vegan croissants in the photos and thought to yourself, “What?! Vegan croissants?!”