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Get Support for Veg Eating with the Explore Veg Challenge!

The Explore Veg Challenge is a 21 day challenge to try vegan or vegetarian eating. Everyone who takes it will get daily email support, an invitation to join a Facebook support group, and a discount card good for 15% off at local restaurants!

Sign up to take the challenge here. On the form, you can invite friends to take the challenge with you! Be sure to include your address so we can mail you your rewards card.

Be on the lookout for an email from us every day of your pledge. You’ll get daily challenges as well as lots of fun tips and inspiration to motivate you and help make the challenge fun.

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Meet Our New Community Organizer!

A few months ago, Compassionate Action for Animals (CAA) announced that a new role of Community Organizer was created, and now we are excited to introduce you to Tamuno Imbu! 

Tamuno began working with CAA on April 1, just as all of our lives were changing due to the pandemic. Now, more than ever, is a critical time to show compassion to animals and remove them from our diet as a global community. 

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