Compassionate Action for Animals

Meet Pickles: A playful pig who found his new home at Farmaste Animal Sanctuary

January 22, 2024

We are delighted to share the heartwarming story of Pickles, a spirited 10-month-old Yorkshire Cross pig. He has recently found solace and companionship at Farmaste Animal Sanctuary.

Pickles came to Farmaste from a family who raised him for 4-H competitions for the first 10 months of his life. With his playful and friendly personality, he is adjusting well to sanctuary life. Integrating into a new herd, especially navigating the intricate pig hierarchy, can be challenging. Still, Pickles is determined to befriend Violet, another resident at Farmaste. He even sneaks into the house where Violet sleeps and quietly hangs out in there hoping she won’t be upset that he has disturbed her.

Pickles is a bundle of energy, finding joy in playing with his human friends and in simple delights like straw. An endearing quirk of his is cleaning rocks in his mouth. Farmaste is diligently working with him to drop the rocks when offered food, preventing any potential tooth damage.

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Family-friendly recipes | February 2024 | Vegan Recipe Club

The cookbook selection for this month is Mayim’s Vegan Table (2014) by Mayim Bialik

January 15, 2024

Join us on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 to discuss recipes from Mayim’s Vegan Table. We will be meeting online (link below) from 6:30 – 7:30 pm Central time.

If you are curious about vegan cooking, this club is for you! Each month participants make three recipes from popular cookbooks then share their reflections with the group. Novice to expert cooks are welcome, as are interested non-cooks. Registration not required.

You may download the recipes using the link below if you want to prepare them in advance.

This cookbook, like many of them, features easy plant-based recipes that are tasty and healthy. This one is special in that it focuses on foods the whole family can enjoy. The publisher describes it this way:

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Salads | January 2024 | Vegan Recipe Club

January 12, 2023

The January cookbook is Show up for Salad by Terry Hope Romero

Join us on Tuesday, January 16 to discuss recipes from Show up for Salad. We will be meeting online (link below) from 6:30 – 7:30 pm Central time.

If you are curious about vegan cooking, this club is for you! Each month participants make three recipes from popular cookbooks then share their reflections with the group. Novice to expert cooks are welcome, as are interested non-cooks. Registration not required. You may download the recipes using the link below if you want to cook them ahead of time.

The cookbook selection for January is perfect for those who may have made a new year’s resolution to eat healthier! Show Up For Salad is a book chock full of delicious and hearty vegan salads and dressings to tempt your tastebuds.  The author describes it this way:

“Discover Your Own Salad Adventure: seek out a different kind of salad, and free your salad bowl from the predictable store-bought dressings and same old lettuce combinations. The savory chewy plant-based proteins, “cheesy” toppings without the dairy and endless leafy, veggie, crunchy bready, and fruity options you crave in a hearty, satisfying salad are all right here.”

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Celebrate Veganuary with CAA’s 21-Day Explore Veg Challenge

 January 8, 2023

Visitors at the 2023 Twin Cities Veg Fest enjoying some of the many vegan offerings

Happy Veganuary! Step into the new year with a sense of purpose and compassion by exploring a move to a plant-based diet. Join us for our 21-Day Explore Veg Challenge, where you’ll receive a wealth of resources and support. From valuable tips and mouthwatering recipes to inspiring stories, we’re here to guide you on your journey. By the end of this challenge, you’ll realize how easy and tasty a plant-based diet can be!

Here’s what you will get when you sign up: 

  • A recipe and shopping guide
  • 21 coaching emails
  • Information on Twin Cities veg resources
  • Support group access
  • Individual support option

Even better, our program is FREE!

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Meet John Pierce: A valued volunteer with CAA

January 1, 2024

John and Claudette, one of his three chicken family members.

Get ready to be inspired by John Pierce, a passionate volunteer at CAA. John’s journey with CAA began at the 2023 Twin Cities Pride Festival, where he was captivated by the warm and welcoming volunteers at the CAA tent. As someone who cares deeply about animal well-being, John felt an instant connection with the organization.

In his role as a volunteer, John has actively contributed to various CAA events. He helped with vendor set-up at Twin Cities Veg Fest last year. In addition, John used his photography skills there to capture special moments, like the exciting opening ‘rope drop.’ He also participated in a workday at Chicken Run Rescue, demonstrating his commitment to hands-on involvement.

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BrightSide Produce: Creating equitable access to fresh fruits and veggies

Abdi and Justa with one of their corner market fruit and veggie stands

January 1, 2023

Access to fresh and affordable produce is a challenge faced by many low-income communities, often referred to as “food deserts.” However, Brightside Produce, a groundbreaking organization founded in 2014 in the Twin Cities, is on a mission to improve equitable access to fresh fruits and vegetables. They have developed a unique, sustainable model to make this all happen. BrightSide has stepped up to be a sponsor of our February 10 visit from Dr. Michael Greger and we want you to know about their exciting work.

BrightSide Produce’s primary goal is to improve access to fresh and affordable produce in low-income neighborhoods. In these neighborhoods, residents often have to rely on small convenience stores as their primary source of groceries. These stores often lack fresh fruits and vegetables because they often can’t meet the minimum order amount required by wholesalers. And when they do get produce, they have to pay more and charge more. But with BrightSide, store owners can order as little as they want and still get a break on costs. 

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Survey Says: Your input helps us support compassionate journeys

And you could win a $50 gift card to the Herbivorous Butcher!

December 21, 2023

Last year, many in our community stepped up to provide valuable information on how we can improve our weekly newsletter to better support their compassionate journeys. Through a short survey, they shared their thoughts, and one lucky person won a $25 gift card to Herbivorous Butcher for doing so! We won by finding out a lot of great information that helped us enhance our newsletter content this year. Thanks to all who took part in this process.

With your input in mind, we aimed to create content that is more informative, useful, and inspiring. To gauge our success and gather further insights, we would love it if you would take a few minutes to complete the same survey so we can compare the results to last year’s. We hope that it will show success in our efforts, but either way, we will gain even more information to further enhance our approach and content. And this year you might win a $50 gift card to the Herbivorous Butcher!

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CAA co-founder, Unny Nambudiripad, and Twin Cities Veg Fest featured in PBS special

December 8, 2023

Pioneer PBS is airing six stories about how plant-based foods are changing farming, culture, and what we eat. We are excited about Episode 4! At the 7.08 mark you will see Unny Nambudiripad, a CAA co-founder, talking about his pathway to a plant-based diet. Twin Cities Veg Fest also got a lot of air time as his interview started there. It ends with dinner with his parents — CAA supporters Godan and Savihtry Namudiripad. In his interview, Unny shared “We’ve really been able to tap into the excitement and interest in plant-based foods.”

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Discover Flourish Food Market: Accessible, fresh, and free plant-based options for all

December 7, 2023

You may be interested to know of this fantastic resource in our community. Flourish Food Market is a free plant-based food market that aims to provide fresh and healthy food options to those who may have difficulty accessing them. They are committed to promoting overall health and well-being for all.

Flourish offers a wide range of fresh and healthy plant-based foods. Whether you’re looking for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, or legumes, this market has got you covered. You can personally choose the foods you want and need, just like shopping at any regular grocery store.

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Tribute to Karen Davis… a bellwether in the political storms that animal rights advocates have to face. And Viva, her first rescue who started it all…

A guest blog by Mary Britton Clouse of Chicken Run Rescue

December 5, 2023

Karen, Viva, Pippa. Photo by Mary Britton Clouse, 2023
No pictures of Karen holding Viva exist so we fixed that. The photo of Karen and Pippa was taken at CRR on February 4, 2006 on her 62nd birthday.

The most powerful force in social evolution is to see what needs to be done, act, and by example inspire and motivate others to follow. It takes but one mere mortal to set it in motion. Like a pebble in a pond, the ripple effect is felt by those near the center but radiates outward in the historical context of a movement. An abandoned hen is rescued, named Viva, and so it began…

Karen Davis, PhD, Founder of United Poultry Concerns (UPC), was such a force. She died on November 4, 2023 at the age of 79. This solitary, diminutive powerhouse of a woman leaves a vast void to fill.  She singlehandedly opened the eyes of the world to the boundless joy and abject misery of chickens. Her tireless efforts and breathtaking gifts of language, intellect and empathy created a legacy of accomplishments that lifts chickens from the bottom of the moral heap, to the top of the animal rights agenda. Chickens represent the most visible victims of land animal agriculture in both sheer numbers and in the degree of atrocities. Even animal advocates were overwhelmed by the magnitude of suffering.

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