Compassionate Action for Animals

Ways to make your banquet experience even MORE fun

Early this spring, Gigi Abbadie was looking for a way to give back to the people that had helped her get her business, her business, Two Trees Strategy, off the ground. A vegan and animal lover, Gigi decided to buy a table at CAA’s Annual Banquet, set to take place on Harriet Island. Gigi called the rest of her group to ask how they wanted to celebrate when the banquet was relocated to a virtual platform. As they had not seen each other for months, they all decided to try to find a way to be together.

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Earth Day 2020: Climate Action! (part 1)

April 22nd, 2020 will mark the 50th annual Earth Day—that’s officially half a century of humans taking action to support our Earth! The event was first created in 1970 by then-Wisconsin senator Gaylord Nelson after he witnessed the intense harms from a Santa Barbara oil spill. Inspired by the anti-war movement on college campuses, he realized that major change could only happen through passion, education, and widespread following. 

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