August 19, 2024
Scout and Bryn Gavin from Chanhassen recently made a donation to Compassionate Action for Animals (CAA). What makes their gift even more special is the story behind it.
These two young people set aside some of the money they earned from chores and other activities for charity. They spent time researching local charities and decided to give their donation of $75 each to CAA. This decision shows their dedication to making a positive difference, even at a young age.
Earlier this month, Scout, Bryn, and their dad, Patrick, visited the CAA office in person to deliver their donation. They wanted to do more than just send money — they wanted to learn more about CAA’s mission and connect with the organization they chose to support. During their visit, they met with Laura Matanah, the Executive Director of CAA, who explained our work and why compassionate living is so important.