Compassionate Action for Animals

Free Vegan Meal Delivery in North Minneapolis

Compassionate Action for Animals (CAA) is excited to announce our latest collaboration.

Over 4,000 plant-based meals will be delivered free of charge to North Minneapolis residents between now and the end of 2020. Heather Klein, founder and chef at Root to Rise Kitchen, conceived of the project and got funding from a CARES act grant to pay for the food and her administration of the project.  If you live in the Northside Green Zone, you can sign up to receive free meal delivery here.

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Helping Farmers Go Plant-Based

By Cassie Douglas, CAA volunteer

It’s no secret that small, family-owned farms are struggling to stay afloat, especially in recent years. This is especially true for smaller farms with business models that rely on animals and depend on the market for animals or animal products. Factory farms now account for 99% of the farmed animals in the United States.1 That means intense pricing pressures for farmers who attempt to compete in this space.   

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Flushing the Toilet Assumption

For my job, I travel to Guatemala a few times per year. I’m often struck by the visibility of animal suffering there. I see cow carcasses hanging off the side of a truck barreling down the road. I see pigs tied up in the back of live transport trucks. I see street dogs, missing large swaths of fur from mange, limping along the side of the road.

It’s not that this immense animal suffering doesn’t happen in the US. It’s that we make it less visible.

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