Compassionate Action for Animals

Volunteer Shout-Out: Beth and Erik Sawyer

Volunteering can be a family affair! Meet CAA volunteers and mother-son duo, Beth and Erik Sawyer. They’ve been helping with CAA activities for years — embracing everything from handing out pamphlets at Grand Old Days to writing Postcards for Animals. Read below for Beth’s account of what inspires her and her son, Erik, to maintain a plant-based lifestyle and pitch in to spread the word.

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Macalester CAA’s first quarter progress

By Brody Fuller, vice chair, Macalester College CAA branch

The Macalester College branch of CAA has been active for just over three months, and is focused on taking steps to promote plant-based options in the college cafeteria as well as organizing events while working towards short- and long-term goals. The group conducts bi-weekly meetings with members, and meeting topics have included guest speakers, consultation with plant-based professionals, and discussions about action to be taken to move the Macalester cafeteria towards more plant-based food options.

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Twin Cities Veg Living Issue 7 is Here!

You’re going to love this year’s issue of Twin Cities Veg Living! It’s packed with great recipes from local chefs, a guide to veg-friendly Black-owned businesses, the lowdown on where to grab a top-notch brunch, nutritional tips, animal sanctuary updates, thoughts on building a humane society from Christine Coughlin, state director for the Humane Society of the United States, and so much more. Check it out!

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Take Action for Animals and Climate by March 31

Minnesota’s Environmental Quality Review Board is seeking public input on changes to how it measures the greenhouse gas impact of new and expanded feedlots (aka factory farms).

It’s critical that the board hear from the public the full weight of environmental impacts caused by factory farming. Your input could help to entirely prevent the introduction of new or expanded factory farming operations in our state, and assist in the transition to a more humane and climate-friendly economy.

Fill out this form to take action now. More information and further ways to take action are discussed below.

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Farmers’ Protests in India and Compassionate Eating

Wondering about the farmers’ protests in India? Read the summary below from The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and other racial and food justice organizations about why the protests are important, including the ability to make a living growing vegetables, rather than animals.

Compassionate Action for Animals signed on to their statement of support that will be delivered to those protesting, joining Food Empowerment Project and others in solidarity. Change in India could help pave the way for a more equitable, compassionate food infrastructure in the United States, as well.

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