April Selection: Better Than Vegan: 101 Favorite Low-Fat, Plant-Based Recipes That Helped Me Lose Over 200 Pound by Del Stroufe
Have you struggled with weight even after adopting a plant-based diet? Or are you worried you will start putting on weight? Going vegan can be a tremendous benefit to your health. Yet it’s not without weight gain challenges (think french fries and vegan ice cream!) This book engages the reader with personal stories of struggle and success. More than 100 recipes show the path to weight loss success — all while maintaining a plant-based diet!
From the publisher:
Eating healthy just got a whole lot easier.
The science is very clear. A whole-foods, plant-based diet is the healthiest possible way to eat—but veganism itself doesn’t mean health, as Chef Del Sroufe, author of the New York Times bestseller Forks Over Knives—The Cookbook, knows better than anyone. Sroufe managed to reach 475 pounds while eating a vegan diet rich in pastries, peanut butter, and potato chips. After converting to a vegan diet with minimal processed foods, sugars and added oils, he lost more than 240 pounds without giving up great food.