Join us for pay-per-view outreach at the Twin Cities Pride Festival on June 27 and 28. Volunteers offer attendees a dollar to watch a five-minute video about factory farming. At last year’s Pride, more than 500 people watched the video! This is a great way to reach a lot of people with a message of compassion. Email me at [email protected] if you’d like to help out for any portion of the time.
To learn more about how to be an effective advocate for the animals, join us for a Volunteer Training Class on this coming Saturday, June 6. This day-long workshop at the CAA Community Space is free to attend, but registration is required. Register today to save yourself a spot. A free vegan lunch is provided.
Our potluck picnic is also happening this weekend on Sunday, June 7 from noon to 2:00pm at the CAA Community Space. Bring a vegan dish to share and get ready to have some fun. If you’d like to attend, RSVP on the Facebook event page or email Justin Leaf at [email protected].
For the animals,
Unny Nambudiripad