Virtual Documentary Discussion: Speciesism The Movie

Sunday, January 7, 2024
6:00pm - 8:00pm

In honor of Veganuary, we are meeting to talk about the documentary Speciesism: The Movie. This film is a journey into the hidden world of factory farming, but it explores well beyond that. Interviews with animal rights organizations, philosophers, and men and women on the street lead to the question of whether humans are superior to nonhuman animals, and – if so – why they are. Mark DeVries (Director) will be joining us for a special guest Q&A! Please watch the film before the event (a free link is available below), and then join us for the discussion.

CAA is collaborating with Community Documentary Night for this event. The Virtual Documentary Night is designed to give people the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions on a wide range of topics with people from various backgrounds. Come help us share ideas and build connections with others across the nation! Tamuno Imbu, CAA’s Community Outreach lead, will localize a part of the discussion to factory farming in Minnesota and the petition we are amplifying.

Click here to watch Speciesism The Movie for free, on your own

Click here to reserve a spot to join us for the discussion and Q&A 

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