Pete’s journey from abandonment to sanctuary

A guest blog by Robin Johnson, Founder of Spring Farm Sanctuary

March 7, 2024

Pete, a 10-year-old Hereford Steer, holds a special place in our hearts. He entered our lives seven years ago, originating from St. Cloud, Minnesota. His journey began in a rather distressing manner when compassionate individuals named Bob and Vicki found him tied to a tree during a harsh January winter. Left to die, their intervention saved Pete’s life.

Bob and Vicki brought Pete into their care, along with another steer, nurturing them in their backyard for three years. However, fate took a turn when the steers managed to break free one day, prompting animal control’s involvement. Facing a difficult decision, Bob reached out to us, coincidentally right around the time of our opening and we gladly welcomed Pete and his brother, Scruffy, into our sanctuary in June of 2017.

Initially known as “Skinny Pete” due to his condition, Pete has since flourished into a robust, full-grown steer. His days are filled with simple joys—being petted, basking in the warmth of the sun, and frolicking with his pals, Walter and Norman (sadly, Scruffy passed away a couple of years ago). Though age may have slowed his pace, Pete’s affectionate demeanor remains unchanged, akin to that of a gentle St. Bernard!

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