Empathy in Action: Friends of the Flock at Chicken Run Rescue

July 22, 2023

A few weeks ago, a group of volunteers from Compassionate Action for Animals officially became Friends of the Flock at Chicken Run Rescue (CRA). These dedicated volunteers had an important goal: to get to know the residents of the sanctuary and help make their lives even better.

The day began with a brief meditation session – a self-care moment before the storm of activity. Hosted by the amazing Mary Britton Clouse and Bert Clouse (CRR co-founders), the volunteers were made to feel at home. They learned about the residents of the sanctuary and what it takes to provide them optimal care. Then, it was time to roll up their sleeves and get to work.

From cleaning the chicken living spaces to spreading mulch and doing yard work, it was a day of hard work and dedication. But it was worth it. The chickens expressed great interest in what they were doing and kept them company. And with tasty vegan treats from Mary, the volunteers had plenty of energy to get the job done.

As the day came to a close, the group relaxed around more scrumptious vegan food. CAA supplied a vegan pot pie, a dish that emphasized that pot pies can (and should) be made without our dear friends inside them. The participants all chipped in yummy vegan picnic fare they brought as well. It was a perfect end to the day, and a reminder that there are many ways to live a compassionate life.

Through their work at the sanctuary, the volunteers gained a better understanding of chickens as friends. They saw their sentience first hand, and it helped clarify the importance of leaving chickens off our plate. The potluck also showed how delicious vegan food can be.

If you’re inspired by the work of Chicken Run Rescue and would like to get involved, reach out to [email protected] to see what opportunities they might have in future. CAA’s has some other sanctuary tours coming soon. Keep posted here and on our social media for more details.

Thank you to our photographers: J. M. Pierce Photography, Mary Britton Clouse and Theresa Zingery

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