Newsletter Survey helps shape future issues

February 6, 2022

39 readers of our weekly CAA newsletter responded to our recent survey. We appreciate each of you who took the time to respond. We want to share the results and how we’re using them to shape newsletter content.

In general, readers were very positive. They especially appreciated the brief, positive, and welcoming content. Details are reported below. You will see that readers said that the newsletter helped increase their knowledge in targeted areas. We plan to adjust our content to improve on these metrics.

We also asked for readers’ general likes and suggestions. Readers are primarily interested in information on upcoming events. They also like profiles on individuals and of the sanctuary animals that motivate us. In addition, they like information on how to take action for animals. They appreciate gaining knowledge in key areas.

Some representative quotes:

  • I am reminded through the emails that there is a community of people advocating and spreading awareness
  • I like that it manages to update you on all the events and current actions but is still brief
  • I like hearing about vegan news and events that are local to me and different ways veganism are/can be incorporated in the community!

Readers offered a wide range of recommendations. Some suggested additions are already covered on our website (such as adding recipes and links to resources). We plan to make more referrals to those.

Our plans are to focus on suggestions that align with our strategic goals. Those include: focusing more on actions people can take, featuring the voice of local BIPOC vegans, and increased content on health aspects of veganism.

We will conduct a post-survey to see if changes we implement have the desired impact. We want the newsletter to meet your needs as it also fulfills the strategic goals of CAA.

Detailed Findings

One goal of the newsletter is to raise awareness in five key areas. How animals are treated in the food industry, the sentience of animals, the intersection of human and animals rights, and the environmental and health impacts of factory farming. The survey  asked about readers’ current awareness and how well they thought the newsletter did in informing them.

As can seen in the tables below, most people felt they were already aware of this information. Awareness of the intersection of human and animal rights being the lowest. They shared that the newsletter did a  good job of raising awareness in all the areas.

How helpful has the CAA NEWSLETTER been in helping raise your awareness of… (These numbers reflect the average score. Ratings were from 1-5 with 5 being the most aware.) 

…how animals are treated in the food industry? 3.77
…awareness of the intelligence/sentience of animals that are raised for food? 3.69
…the way in which human rights and animal rights intersect? 3.56
…environmental impact of factory farming? 3.50
…awareness of the health impacts of factory farming? 3.47

How aware are you of…:

…how animals are treated in the food industry? 4.59
…environmental impact factory farming? 4.59
…intelligence/sentience of animals that are raised for food? 4.49
…health benefits of a plant-based diet? 4.44
…way in which animal and human rights intersect? 4.18

Demographics of the CAA Newsletter audience:

Responses to the survey show that readers that responded tended to be predominately white non-Hispanics. They were largely aged 21-62 , with a slight skew to the 21-39 age group. 59% identified as vegan with 23% mostly vegan.  In the future, we seek to engage greater numbers of non-vegans, to support their understanding of animal issues and moves towards a plant-based diet.  We also want our work to be useful for and attractive to greater percentages of people of color going forward.

White 87.2%
multiple categories 10.3
not listed 5.1
Black 5.1
Asian 2.6
Native American 0
non Hispanic 89.7%
Hispanic 10.3
21-39 43.6%
40-62 41
62+ 12.8
vegan 59%
mostly vegan 23
Vegetarian/mostly vegetarian 13
Prefer not to say 5

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