Volunteer Shout-Out: Meet Chris Krull

Chris Krull volunteers with CAA on our tech team. He is one of a group of volunteers who help manage issues related to our websites and servers. We’re grateful to people like Chris who contribute their time and specialized knowledge to make sure CAA’s “behind the scenes” is on point. Read more about Chris and find out what inspires him to volunteer his technology skills.

Chris with Sprout

How did you discover Compassionate Action for Animals and what made you decide to get involved?  

I first saw CAA on the Happy Cow app, and I was excited to live close to an organization working for animals, so I decided to see how I could volunteer.

What are your volunteer duties? What do you love most about volunteering?

I am currently on the tech team, helping with the servers and the websites.  I just started and I am hoping to help out more as time goes by.  I like meeting other volunteers and doing work I know matters.

When you are not helping out with CAA stuff, what do you like to do?

I work as an IT consultant for Object Partners, doing system engineering and DevOps work.  I am married with one child, 2 cats and a dog and I love spending time with my family, two and four legged.  I love to read, especially fantasy, psychology, history and philosophy.  I also love supporting my child as they do roller derby.

What inspires you to eat plant-based and/or take action for animals? 

Animals add so much to my life, and deserve every right and respect that my human family does.  My parents both grew up on farms in the 1940s, so I feel I am doing some atonement for what my ancestors did to animals.

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