Volunteer Shout-Out: Stefanee Bakke

Stefanee with Rebel

Meet Stefanee Bakke, an all-around (all-star!) volunteer who has helped us with everything from sending Postcards for Animals to distributing copies of Twin Cities Veg Living to online administrative work.

Read on to discover what inspires Stefanee to volunteer for animals and eat plant-based.

How did you get involved with CAA?

I had reached out to some farm and rescue sanctuaries at the beginning of the pandemic trying to help remotely with anything and didn’t get any responses; CAA said yes, we need help, and I’ve been busy and happy to help since.

What do you love most about volunteering?

The quick wins. Sometimes it feels like you are running and working all day and what did you really accomplish start to finish? There is a visible goal with admin-type work which my brain appreciates. It’s easy to work/volunteer when your heart is in it; it becomes a no-brainer really and you are just feeding your soul. 

When you are not helping CAA, what do you do?

I hope to one day merge my retail technology background with animals in some way, but for now, my work and volunteer life remain separate. I hope to return to volunteering at a nursing home in Minneapolis with my husband and rescue Bloodhound. That has been paused now for a year. Other hobbies include anything dog-related, yoga, running, and vegan cooking.

What inspires you to eat plant-based and take action for animals? 

Once you allow yourself to learn what really goes on, it’s quite simple. My tastebuds aren’t any more important than a sentient being’s right to life. I also realize it’s a process and just trying to do a little bit better each day is a good way to start. 

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