That Kooky Twin Cities Veg Fest Planning Committee

Committee member Sal Kravik at Heartland Farm Sanctuary

It’s no secret: The team behind Twin Cities Veg Fest is a kooky bunch. I mean, they have to be kooky to take on the challenge of putting together a mammoth festival that draws thousands and shows them how freaking awesome vegan food can be. But they do it because they love it. And they do it for the animals. So maybe they’re not so kooky as they are extraordinarily compassionate. Here’s a bit more about them and why they love Twin Cities Veg Fest so freaking much:

What are you most looking forward to at this year’s Twin Cities Veg Fest?

  • More space! We can accommodate more people in the exhibitor halls (now we’ll have two!) and we have a ton of room for people to come to our cooking demonstrations!
  • Working with the exhibitors
  • Food, food, and more food. And maybe some food to go with the food. Also, I’m looking forward to seeing people show up and enjoy themselves. And food.
  • Every year I look forward to new and interesting food vendors. Word is getting out that Twin Cities Veg Fest is a great place to showcase delicious vegan food (and sell out!) so I hope our food court grows even more.
  • Introducing very skeptical omnivores to the wonderfulness that is vegan food.  Hearing “Hey, this is good!” is music to my ears.

Can you tell us a little-known fact about another committee member?

  • I think Sal looks like the pop star Robyn.
  • Unny used to have incredibly long hair, super hippie-style.
  • Unny pledged to not read any Harry Potter for ten years, and that kind of makes me want to start reading Harry Potter.
  • Dave loves vegan food but not fruit. Weird.

If you could help rescue any animal, who would it be and why?

  • I’d like a nonhuman animal to rescue humans from ourselves! I think I’ll have a Kneazle rescue us; my friends would appreciate that.
  • Any animal is worth rescuing.
  • Definitely a pig. Pigs are just too darn cute. On the other hand, I like pretty much all animals, so I’m not picky.
  • A chicken! Because I think I could probably care for her or him at home.
  • A horse! Or a cow. Or a lamb. Or a goat. Okay, I want to rescue them all.

Who is on the Twin Cities Veg Fest Planning Committee?

Dave Rolsky - Pretty Furniture (Committee Chair)
Dave Rolsky – Pretty Furniture (Committee Chair)
Brita Bengtson - So Many Friends (Social Media Coordinator)
Brita Bengtson – So Many Friends (Social Media Coordinator)
Chris Homsey - Cooks up Chefs (Cooking Demo Coordinator) with Mika
Chris Homsey – Cooks up Chefs (Cooking Demo Coordinator) with Mika
Unny Nambudiripad - Buck Stops Here (CAA Executive Director)
Unny Nambudiripad – Buck Stops Here (CAA Executive Director)
Kirsten Just Kirsten Just - Extraordinary Organizer (Exhibitor Logistics Coordinator)
Kirsten Just – Extraordinary Organizer (Exhibitor Logistics Coordinator)
Sal Kravik - Hardy Partier (Pre-Party and Twitter Coordinator)
Sal Kravik – Hardy Partier (Pre-Party and Twitter Coordinator)

Not pictured: Annette Gaudreau – Speaks to Speakers (Speaker Coordinator)

Twin Cities Veg Fest will take place on Sunday, November 1, from 10am to 4pm at Coffman Memorial Union. RSVP on the Facebook event page and let us know if you’d like to volunteer for the event.

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