CAA has published a magazine!

Kristina DeMuth, RD, featured on the cover of the 2015 issue of Twin Cities Veg Living

It’s true! We’ve put together our very own magazine called Twin Cities Veg Living. We hope that this issue will be the first of many. If you haven’t seen the magazine yet, you can find it at our tabling events throughout the year or read it online as a downloadable PDF. Or check out this flipbook version.

The magazine serves a couple different purposes. It’s a way for us to share who we are and what we do. You’ll find that our campaigns, programs, values, and mission are represented in its contents. Along with that, the magazine is a useful resource for those moving towards a plant-based diet. The contents include:

  • An article about Nikki, a pig who was rescued from a factory farm
  • A profile of two vegan businesses in the Twin Cities: Herbivorous Butcher and Comfort Candy
  • A glimpse of Twin Cities Veg Fest
  • An interview with volunteer Elise Armani, including information about our Meatless Monday campaign
  • A review of four different veg-friendly restaurants in the Twin Cities
  • An overview of plant-based nutrition
  • A recipe from Mistress Ginger Cooks!

We hope that the magazine will be fun to read not only to those who are new to animal advocacy but also for more experienced folks. If you’ve been a part of our community, you’ll likely see pictures of people you know in there and maybe even a picture of you, too!

I had the pleasure of editing the magazine and coordinating the team of volunteers who generously contributed to its contents and helped with the editing and design process. I’d like to acknowledge all of them here:

  • Kristina DeMuth, R.D.
  • Jeff Johnson
  • Matt Schroeder
  • Tera Arnold
  • Ashley Flitter
  • Unny Nambudiripad
  • Dave Rolsky
  • Lola Levin
  • Chris Luhman
  • Elise Armani
  • Mistress Ginger
  • Cali Mastny
  • Shannon Kimball
  • Nicky Stewart of Comfort Candy
  • Kale and Aubry of Herbivorous Butcher
  • Farm Sanctuary

Big thanks to all of these contributors and special thanks to Nick Coughlin, who offered his time and talent as graphic designer.

In addition to sharing the 12-page magazine at local events, we’ll bring it with us when we travel to other cities, such as when we go to Washington D.C. for the National Animal Rights Conference in July.

If you can’t wait until the next CAA event to grab a copy of the magazine, feel free to stop by the CAA Community Space at 2100 1st Avenue S in Minneapolis. Email me at [email protected] to arrange a time to pick one up. Be sure to grab an extra copy to share with a friend. These magazines are a great way to show others how fun veg living in the Twin Cities can be.

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Humane Lobby Day

Thursday, April 3, 2025

West Suburbs Vegan Potluck (April)