BREAKING NEWS: An anonymous donor will match the next $100 of funding for the Twin Cities Veg Fest campaign. Give now to our Indiegogo campaign and see your contribution doubled! The campaign expires tomorrow on Tuesday, July 1st at 11:59 PT. Only 1 day left! We’re not far from our goal, but we need your support to make it the rest of the way.
Your support helps fund a festival that celebrates compassion and welcomes everyone, whether vegan, vegetarian, or omnivore. Twin Cities Veg Fest brings the community together and shows how fun and delicious a compassionate lifestyle can be. It’s both powerful form of outreach and a fun way to spend the day.
Our third annual Twin Cities Veg Fest 2014 will happen on Sunday, September 28th, 2014, 10am – 4pm at Coffman Memorial Union on the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota. Our previous festivals were great successes, and we anticipate continued growth. With your support, we can reach new audiences, provide more tasty vegan food, and bring cooking demos to the festival.
To learn more about Twin Cities Veg Fest, listen to our most recent Exploring Veg, the Compassionate Action for Animals podcast. In this first podcast of a four-part series devoted to all things Veg Fest, we give an overview of the upcoming festival. CAA Executive Director Unny Nambudiripad talks with Twin Cities Veg Fest organizer Dave Rolsky about what the Veg Fest is, how it came to be, and what it offers the general public.
Twin Cities Veg Fest is free to attend. Your generous support is what makes this event possible.
Visit our Indiegogo campaign page, and check out the range of perks for different levels of contribution. We have everything from a cute CAA button to a homemade vegan cake delivered straight to your door.
Contribute today and become a Twin Cities Veg Fest Funder!