A new undercover investigation conducted by Mercy for Animals reveals shocking abuse at Canada’s largest dairy farm. Heartbreaking video footage exposes workers brutalizing mother cows in ways that would be unthinkable if inflicted on a dog or cat. Yet, these intelligent, social animals are kept in a constant cycle of pregnancy and lactation, while having to endure these egregious forms of cruelty on a daily basis.
This kind of abuse is not uncommon in the world of factory farming, where the financial gain of the business is considered more important than the well-being of the animals. That hierarchical paradigm gives way to such abuses, as the animals’ capacity to suffer as living, breathing individuals is inevitably devalued and ultimately exploited.
While dairy milk was once considered a wholesome treat, its reputation is beginning to sour. Again and again, investigations such as this one show the general public what’s behind the animal products that we consume. With this information, we can make new choices about what to buy or how to eat. Moving towards a plant-based diet, we stop supporting a system that breeds this kind of violence, and we live a life aligned with our values, with the intention to do the least harm possible.

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