Delicious food, great speakers, and fantastic music! What more could you want?
Twin Cities Veg Fest is for anyone and everyone – from omnivores to vegetarians and vegans! If you've ever thought about becoming vegetarian or are interested in reducing animal suffering, you'll love Twin Cities Veg Fest. Here are the details:
Date: Saturday, October 26, 2013
Time: 10 am to 4 pm
Location: Coffman Memorial Union, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 300 Washington Ave Southeast, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Cost: Free!
Learn where your food comes from, how to be a healthy vegetarian or vegan, and why being compassionate benefits everyone. Plus you'll enjoy tons of free vegan food samples and delicious vegan cuisine. We also have a great lineup of speakers, and this year we've added a concert! Everyone who came to our 2012 festival had a great time, and this year will be even better.
If you're already vegetarian or vegan, please invite your non-veg friends and family. This is a fun, friendly event where they can learn about the animal-friendly community in the Twin Cities. Join our event on Facebook so they see that you're going, and please invite them yourself. For your music-loving friends, we also have a Facebook event for the concert.