Can you help make the Twin Cities Veg Fest a success? We need help at the festival and before and after as well. Thanks!
Compassionate Action for Animals is hosting the second annual Twin Cities Veg Fest on October 26, 2013. We need your help to make it a success. It will be a lot of fun, you'll get to meet other volunteers, and you'll be an integral part of this huge festival!
Here are the available positions:
- U-Haul Loading (the evening before the festival)
- Set-up
- Speaker Monitor
- Maintenance
- CAA Table
- Veg Fest Table
- Paid Per View Table
- Food Giveaway Table
- Greeters
- Floater
- Tech Support
- Concert Helpers
- Kids Area Helpers
- Clean-up
- Evening Transport
See more details at the Twin Cities Veg Fest website, and let us know what you're interested in helping with by emailing [email protected]. Feel free to volunteer all day, if you're available. We'll provide fellowship and an amazing, fun-filled veggie experience! Hope to see you there!