Join the Minneapolis Walk for Farm Animals on Saturday, September 7. You can support Farm Sanctuary's life-saving work by participating in the Minneapolis Walk for Farm Animals.
On Saturday, September 7, you can support Farm Sanctuary's life-saving work by participating in the Minneapolis Walk for Farm Animals. The event will take place at Boom Island Park. Check-in starts at 10 am. The walk will feature free vegan food, raffle prizes, a warm-up yoga stretch, live music, children's activities and more!
Registration is just $15 in advance; $25 on event day. Kids and teens under 18 register for free and get a free t-shirt!
Dave Rolsky, one of CAA's founders and board members, will be speaking at the event about our work and our partnership with Farm Sanctuary. Throughout the year, CAA works with Farm Sanctuary to continuously improve VegGuide.org. Farm Sanctuary also created the video for our current matching campaign, What Came Before. Nick Cooney of Farm Sanctuary will be speaking at Twin Cities Veg Fest and Their Lives, Our Voices this year.