Compassionate Action for Animals celebrated Thanksgiving this year with the Vegan Thanksgiving Potluck, held on Saturday, November 17th. About 150 people attended the event and were well-fed with delicious vegan food.
Along with Tofurky roast and gravy donations from Turtle Island Foods, people brought dishes to share and some of the recipes are listed below. We are thankful for the company of the people who attended the event, the food they shared, and the impact they have on advocating for animals.
This community-building event brought together people interested in reducing animal suffering from all walks of life, and was a great opportunity to meet others with similar values and ideals. Although it was not a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, the potluck helped to create new social norms and give people a place to find support in their beliefs and actions helping animals.
The potluck was held in memory of Lauren Hanson, an avid CAA volunteer who passed away in September. CAA Executive Director Unny Nambudiripad gave a short speech about her contributions to animal advocacy and about our loss. We remember her as we celebrate this holiday season.
Thank you to Turtle Island Foods for the generous donation of Tofurky roasts and gravy, to the volunteers who planned and executed the event, and to the generous donors who support our work.
Please answer our three question survey to let us know what you thought of the potluck!
Here are the recipes from the potluck:
Unny N. and John C.
Adrianne P.
David S.
Mike C.
Wild Rice Salad With Curry Mustard Vinaigrette